Trump got played KJU got Trump to fold so he didn’t have to.
"We’re all shocked and surprised by this infighting and internal discord "
Said no one ever
Pompeo forgets that the first rule of tRump fight club is you don’t talk about tRump fight club.
“There are good assholes on both sides of my foreign policy team!” - Donald J. Fuckhead
mmmmm lets see. Out of the 3, who gets kicked out the front door?
My money is on, " Kelly"
He just doesn’t scream loud enough and cut others throats at the whim of the king.
I wonder when Pompeo will get canned and Bolton take his place. The only reason Pompeo got the job is because Trump actually could recognize him because of the daily security briefings. Soon enough he’ll forget Pompeo’s name and only remember Bolton’s.
For that matter I’m up to my asshole in assholes . Just look around at my Mal-Administration-
Funny, I thought the summit got canned because der Furor is an idiot. (With apologies to idiots everywhere.)
Wow imagine a couple of Donald’s staff butting heads. Wonder who will resign first?
There are rules?
You can’t break up with me. I just broke up with you.
My guess is that Bolton will have a “rift” with just about everyone else in the White House before he’s asked to leave (sometime in the next month or two). He’s about the only person there who makes Trump look reasonable by comparison. Hell, even Steve Bannon wasn’t quite as nuts as Bolton.
Bolton is sitting pretty in the White House.
Not sure he wants to be sent over to Foggy Bottom where (1) he’d be further from Trump and (2) would have to manage a large bureaucracy that (3) is semi-professional and (4) is still reeling after Tillerson’s ministrations.
I accept.
Winningnest leadership ever. Tremendous. Bigly.
He’d also need to be confirmed by the Senate, which is no sure thing.
The only reason Bolton is National Security Adviser and not Secretary of State is that NSA doesn’t require Senate confirmation. Even this Senate wouldn’t confirm Bolton as SoS. I said yesterday there was never going to be a North Korean summit as long as Bolton was part of the administration. Apparently, Mucho Pomposo will not be SoS much longer while Bolton is part of the administration either. As Eric Sevareid would have said, “only time will tell.”
Yes, because this Senate has been so stringent, circumspect and prudent in their consideration of every other Trump nominee.