Discussion: Rick Scott, Thom Tillis Join Growing GOP Chorus Telling Trump Not To Kill DACA


Of course, these GOP idiots are too stupid to realize that Trump only listens to that little voice inside him. And by inside, I mean up his ass.


When Skeletor says you’re being too evil, it’s time to re-examine your plans.


I figure they’re just trying to play both sides. Getting “I didn’t want it to happen” out there in time for “It’s the President’s call and I’ll support a legislative solution when it emerges” next week.


Rick Scott, like every other Rethugliklan, is a frightened, opportunistic piece of shit worried about the backlash that will engulf the GOP like *Hurricane Harvey on steroids.

Oh, wait. I take that back. Most other Rethugliklans didn’t run a hospital company that was fined $1.7 billion for Medicare fraud, not that they didn’t want to. But other than that.

*Fun Fact: A typical ratio is 10 inches of snow equals 1 inch of water. Using that metric, Houston got the equivalent of 43 feet of snow in three days. Wrap your head around that!


So Donnie Two Scoops will see this as a dare because no one tells him what to do.


Hey GOP, the horse’s ass named Donnie is out of the barn, and you’ve got no way of getting him back. Ever…


Tillis’ email blast was weasel-y as all get-out. He doesn’t care whether DACA dies or survives, just as long as he’s not responsible either way.


They do actually have a couple of solutions…impeachment, Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, but they will probably never exercise them. And if they ever do, far too much damage will have been done. Far too much damage has already been done.


All of these very conservatives pleading for reason… Economic loss, political suicide, productive members of society, and many other well documented reasons have been coming out as the Clockwork Orange winds down.

But brown…

But Obama…

But media attention…

DACA is toast.


Wow, empathy and concern for others by the Rickster? There is a windfall in there for him somewhere…his actions are seldom motivated by benevolence for his constituents.


Well if the GOP had bothered to do their jobs while Obama was in office in immigration this wouldn’t be happening. They just couldn’t work with the black president


I am really confused here. What is in this for these selfish, Randian bigots?

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Trump will back down because 1) he always does and 2) he will claim it’s because he is so big hearted. The kids!!!


On Friday, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) announced he and other Republicans in Congress will introduce a “conservative DREAM Act” that would create a path to permanent residency for immigrants who came to the U.S. when they were younger than 16 years old.

President Obama implemented the DACA program by executive order in the first place because Congress was unable to pass a DREAM Act in 2010.

Yeah, but this Congress is a well-oiled legislative machine.


Gov. Scott, I seem to recall that the Senate in 2013 did pass an immigration bill by a comfortable bipartisan margin – 68 votes, IIRC.

And the $30 billion bill was full of Republican priorities on border security and contained many requirements for undocumented immigrants who sought legal status.

But the Republican led House refused to act on it.

But, hey, maybe I was just DREAMing.


Corporate America is broadly pro-DACA. If these guys want to be assured of a comfy sinecure on the board post-politics, they need to behave themselves now.

@carolson I’m not so sure. Donnie is chafing under the tutelage of Kelly and needs somebody to hurt/something to break.


Word is he’s planning to challenge Sen. Bill Nelson next year and doesn’t want to face a Democratic wave of outraged Latino voters.


And he likes that the GOP is having to beg and gravel at his feet

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