Discussion: Rick Perry: We Don't Elect Kings, We Overthrown Them'

Yep we put him in power…as was explained to me in great exhaustive detail back when I visited Iran in 1970. Of course those details were related in strictest confidence at the time because the Shah’s secret police were everywhere and I was only a tourist passing through…

We didn’t overthrow him, quite the opposite in fact. We engineered the over throw of the elected government in 1953 and helped to install the Pahlavi clan in power.

From Wikipedia:

Mohammad Mosaddegh or Mosaddiq[a] (Persian: مُحَمَد مُصَدِق‎; IPA: [mohæmˈmæd(-e) mosædˈdeɣ] ( listen);[b] 16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967), was an Iranian politician. He was the democratically elected[1][2][3] Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d’état orchestrated by the American Central Intelligence Agency and the British Secret Intelligence Service.[4][5]


I got an ear full about this in the three months I spent in Iran during 1970.

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Why can’t he just go home and stay there.

rick: remind me. what kings have we overthrown?

Its not clear to me that Perry truly understood his own statement,but he may have been slightly aware that it was twisted!

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I don’t get the drift of that remark either. Has Perry decided to go into Denis Miller-style standup conservative comedy? Nobody ever knows what he’s talking about either.

Yeah, did Rick get that from a Texas schoolbook? He can read, right?

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But really, who gives a fuck what this guy has to say? I no not Obama.

W was crowned king by the Reinquist SCourt but I don’t recall any Democrat ever talking about overthrowing the government. What is it about these cranky conservatives? They can’t stand Obama, Trump or even a nice old lady like Queen Elizabeth?

So, “Values Voters” still listen to him?

well, he does wear reading glasses. of course, reading comprehension is a whole other issue.

The conservatives sure do like to party about once a month at some crackpot confab, slapping each other on the back for being so oppressive and obstructionist. Someone needs to slap Rick in the head every once in a while to sober him up?

Perry went on to say, “There are three reasons why John Boehner is resigning. The first one is that he simply wasn’t conservative enough to be effective. The second is that no one in the party had any faith in him anymore. The third is that, uh, mmm, …I can’t remember the third one.”

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Well we overthrew the Saudi royal… Oh, wait… Never mind.

Poor Rick Perry, he has his history all wrong. Well, he cannot do anything right. Sad, very sad.

Really? I thought that was the province of the French.

Trust me, we had oil interests there too. After WWII there was a push to get control of Middle East Oil instead of the USSR, and we were THE major player.

Shh, he’s on a role…Next up is invoking the German attack on Pearl Harbor.

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Yes, that’s about the size of it. Many people think think the “Shah of Iran” was a nobody that we just decided to make the Shah. He already was the Shah. We just helped him get complete control.

Rick Perry is just talking gibberish, he’s lost his mind. He better be careful he doesn’t become competition for Sarah Palin.