Discussion: Rick Perry: We Don't Elect Kings, We Overthrown Them'

Who’s this king we’ve over thrown? I don’t think we’ve ever overthrown any kings. There was the Japanese emperor but we allowed him to stay on. Maybe Perry thinks the Paris commune was Paris Texas.


Who elected a king? Is that supposed to be Obama? You know, because life under Obama’s tyrannical dictatorship is just awful! Awful I say!

The Values Voter Summit: where whiny, rage-aholic assholes gather and pretend they’re a persecuted minority and ignore the fact that life couldn’t be any easier for them at the moment.

Nuke it from space and salt the Earth.


I dare you lil’ Rickie to tell that to JEB!

Wtf is he talking about?


Except he called it “right” indignation

What an irrelevant sack of shit.


Still not as bad as yesterday’s “Death Pentalty”

"We don’t elect kings.  We overthrow them."

Wow, he sure threw Jebya! under the limo, didn’t he?

“There is a difference between right indignation and unconstrained anger.”

This is not a truism. All pols can be way off on the righteous indignation side.

What King/Monarch has the US overthrown since the Revolutionary War (and as noted above he stayed in power)? Last time I checked are quite nice to kings. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and UAE. Sweden, Kuwait, & Norway have kings.

Oh, we did overthrow Saddam Hussein. Oh, wait, he was a democratically elected President… (no, not a defense of Saddam by any means, just making a point).

Nor have I ever experienced “righteous indignation” when visiting the Lincoln Memorial.

But I’m sure plenty of Perry’s neo-Confederate and separatist supporters do.


Technically the Shah of Iran is the King. BUT, all we did was put another King (Shah) in. So we only put in a friendly King.

I don’t think any case can be made that Saddam Hussein was actually “democratically elected” - he came to power as part of a Ba’athist coup and eventually rising to the strongman position.

He did hold two referenda to validate his rule - in the first (1995) he won 99.96% of the vote, in the second (2002) he won 100% (in 100% reported turnout). To say those results call into question the “democratically elected” nature of his presidency would be a mild understatement.

But detail that has nothing to do with the stupidity of waging an illegal war to remove him from office.


Stop the presses!!!..Rick Perry declares war on England!!

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Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was the king of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his
overthrow by the Islamic Revolution on 11 February 1979. He took the
title Shāhanshāh (“Emperor” or “King of Kings”) on 26 October… wikipedia.org Born: October 26, 1919, Tehran, Iran Died 1980, Cairo of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.


Perry said the country saw “righteous indignation” at Pearl Harbor and the Lincoln Memorial…

Well, that makes sense. On December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor—a date that will live in infamy—and on August 27, 1963, African Americans launched an all-out assault on the Lincoln Memorial, in what history records as “The March on Washington.”

Technically the Shah is a King. Mosaddegh was appointed by the Shah (King) as Prime Minister after a landslide Parliament Vote. And his removal had to be sanctioned by the Shah as well (written decree) since the Shah was the “King”, though it’s not likely a lack of a piece of paper would have stopped it. But the Shah did not replace Mosaddegh (the Shah was already King and remained King). Mosaddegh was replaced as Prime Minister by Zahedi, who was part of the coup. The Shah was just given more power at that point, but he officially was Shah (King) before and after the coup.

He was already in power, he was king. But Mossadegh had considerable power and influence as well in his role as Prime Minister. It would be like taking out Ahmadinejead (sp?) in Iran, he might have had influence, but he was not the supreme ruler ever. We just helped take out a guy who was popular, thereby giving the Shah less resistance politically.

“There is a difference between right indignation and unconstrained anger.”

So Former Rick Perry, which do you see while standing at the podium of this “values” summit?

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