Discussion: Rick Perry: We Don't Elect Kings, We Overthrown Them'

Perhaps he is referring to the August 1963 march on Washington with Martin Luther King. Did that take place between the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument?

If you say so. Love your CReatIVe USe of capITal LeTTerS.

Was this interview at Niggerhead?

Iran was a very interesting place when I visited in 1970. My impression then was it was like the 51st state. I was wrong as I could be but it was the impression I got. The main drag in Tehran was Franklin Roosevelt Street. I could find all sorts of American stuff in the stores. Cherrios and Wheaties for breakfast for Godā€™s sake. Afghanistan was the total opposite. Ruins and rubble. That we interfered in their internal affairs in 1953 like we did engendered enmity that still as we all know exists. 1953 was the genesis of a lot of hate.
Iā€™m not sure what Rick Perry was driving at with his uninformed comment since it makes no sense in reality. Maybe in his own manufactured reality bubble it does. But not in the actual real world.


Perry said the country saw ā€œrighteous indignationā€ at Pearl Harbor and
the Lincoln Memorial, but, ā€œThere is a difference between right
indignation and unconstrained anger.ā€

Has he gone and taken ā€œpain medsā€ again?

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Says the asshole who was Governor of Texas for FIFTEEN YEARS!

A truly classic scene. I miss those guys.

Neither did heā€¦

You were in Iran at an interesting time, must have been a great experience.

What I like about Iran at this point is a lot of young people (huge young population) that are pro western. People forget there were several hundred thousand people marching in the streets of Tehran in favor of the US after 9/11. Bush blew all that with his war. But once the old timers die off in Iran, the young people will gradually transform the leadership. Itā€™s a process.

Along the same line, who overthrew a king? Is that supposed to be King George III? He was still King long after the American Revolution.

Is Perry talking about some of our meddling in other countries?

Good question and it was confusing, but really itā€™s about Rickā€™s breakthrough discovery. Is the real reason his absolutely terrible campaign failed, somehow down to Rickā€™s personal responsibility at all?

He has studied and analyzed this and learned the answer! NO, nothing is his fault it turns out! He would be PRESIDENT if that no-good Donald Trump hadnā€™t pulled his underhanded King act on poor Perry! (Thatā€™s what this drivel is actually about - infantile blame shifting, so childish that nobody understood it).


Itā€™s a little early in the morning for my Republican translation class to kick in. However Iā€™m assuming that this is some sort of backhanded reference to President Obama and all those executive orders that he supposedly been signing to undermine the democracy. Blah blah blah blah blah blah Nullification.

It would seem so, but no. See my comment above.

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John Bush the Acronym aka ĀæJeb? with his Sarah Palin smart glasses is the Rick Perry v 2012 of the 2016 election cycle.

We also elect moronic Texas governors.

They arenā€™t THAT pro-western Thatā€™s the mistake I made when I visited all those years ago.

Says the longest reigning King of Tejas.

Shorter Rick Perry: " we donā€™t elect liberal kings. We overthrow them in favor of conservative dynasties. For freedom, of course"

Entirely possible I suppose. After all he does seem to fail to do even the most basic political actions on a national stage.