Discussion: Rick Perry: 'I’m More Jewish Than You Think I Am'

With a diet Dr. Pepper no less, soda created in Texas and geared toward Southerners. However, even if he’d said it at the Carnegie Deli in New York with Bibi Netanyahu and Eric Cantor as his lunch dates and substituted a Dr. Brown’s Cel-ray tonic, he’d still be a pisher.


Let’s see what the Way Back Machine says about Rick Perry on Dickipedia:



Keep the hell out of California, Perry! You made your bed, now lie in it.


Now I know why people are so worried about other people reading the Koran. Reading it will make you Muslim. Who knew?


He also made his Texas machine, may it grind him up.

To forgo is to do without, or relinquish: “He will forgo the pleasure of her company”; “I’ll forgo the formality of requiring a co-signer.” The present participle is forgoing (“She is forgoing the procedure”), the past-tense form can be forwent (“She forwent the procedure”) or forgone (“She had forgone the procedure”), and one who forgoes is a forgoer. Only the basic verb form, however, is common.

To forego, by contrast, is to go before, to precede. Forego is much less common in usage than forgo, and it generally has a figurative sense, often used in such statements as “Her reputation will forego her” or “Her reputation foregoes her,” meaning that others will have heard about the subject before they meet her.



You don’t just declare yourself Jewish and are. What a fool! Does he have a Jewish mother? Any Jewish antecedents? Perry is not a Jew (and, frankly, I wouldn’t have him), and this is actually insulting to those of us born to the Tribe. Please pick another religion to affiliate with, Governor.

“I’m more Jewish than you think I am,” he told Leibovitch over a corned-beef Reuben. “I always ask for extra shiksa on my Reubens.”


““I’m more Jewish than you think I am,” he told Leibovitch over a corned-beef Reuben.”

Wow…No stereotypes there. Great job, Leibovitch.

Wonder if Rick would have order the Fried Chicken if he was doing an interview with a black journalist.

What chewtzpah!

More putzpah or schmuckpah

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Good point. With extreme conservatives, it’s hard to tell a joking remark from one that is just asinine and clueless.

"Perry: ‘Of course I’m Jewish, I married a shiksa beard.’ "

I believe the people of the US have had it up to their necks with Texas Governors who run for President.

When leaving Austin to go to Washington, George Wtf Bush famously said: “If people think I’m dumb, wait until they see Perry in action.”


Please continue, governor.

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The only good thing Bush ever did for the country.

Aren’t the Marx Brothers’ movies now considered canonical too?

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… he then added in a quiet voice, I’m also surprisingly Muslim, although my personal belief has always been that Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali is the rightful successor to Muhammad…


What. A freaking. Idiot.