Discussion: Rick Perry: 'I’m More Jewish Than You Think I Am'

Rick Perry: ‘I’m More Jewish Than You Think I Am’

… am staring at this quote and just wondering what kind of an idiot says these things out loud? - to people who are Jewish?

It is amazing he didn’t blurt out " Heck, I’m circumcised, just like a Jew!"


“I’m more Jewish than you think I am,” he told Leibovitch as he unzipped his trousers and displayed his circumcised penis.

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beat me to it…

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Absolutely not. I am one myself, and don’t like to see us defamed by this dissembler.

Ricky - Eating lunch at Katz’s Deli on 6th Street in Austin doesn’t make you Jewish


all i can say is please please please perry run for preznit please we all could use a good laugh and pleanty of them

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Then ricky opened his mouth and proved that his brain was snipped as well


People move to Texas only if they have a job lined up. People move to California and then look for a job.

California is where people come to build the businesses that Texas then tries to lure away.


Perry: “I’m more think than you Jew I am…hic…”

If he decides to forego a second presidential bid


I want to wonder if he was joking, but Rick Perry is actually this dumb to where he probably wasn’t.


Leaving the deli, Ricky blew it by humming Deutschland Uber Alles

Rick Perry: "I'm More Jewish Than You Think I Am"

what choots-puh this guy has


Note to Ricky - The fact that people call you a putz doesn’t exactly make you Jewish


I, for one, have no urge to see is circumcision

It’s always on display. From the neck up.


Post of the day!


The good news for Rick Perry, he did NOT say……

“I’m more Jewish than you think I am. Waiter, may I have some cheese blintzes with sour cream and a corned beef sandwich.”

“I’m more Jewish than you think I am, I never pay retail.”

“I’m more Jewish than you think I am, I made a shiva call to Sheldon Adelson, he was still alive.”

“I’m more Jewish than you think I am, my father had a big nose too.”

These might have been worse things to say.


Just because you’ve been called a putz doesn’t make you Jewish.

After Perry has made commercials urging Californians to move to Texas he says he’s moving to California. Oops, that’ll make a great commercial for his opponents.

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It’s possible. He is certainly AT LEAST as Jewish as I think he is, which is not at all. And it’s always possible that he has secretly studied for a year, circumcised himself, and accepted the yoke of heaven before a beit din (rabbinic court). Because anything is possible!

Besides, if you order a pastrami on rye, that sort of makes you Jewish doesn’t it?

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