Gee, Your Honor, ya think?!
Suggesting he hopes Trump doesn’t cause “too much damage,” Stevens said he thinks the President doesn’t fully understand the role of the judiciary in the U.S… To Trump, everything is political, Stevens said.
The same applies to AG Barr.
We’ve been watching
The President doesn’t fully understand pretty much anything about how our government works.
Yes Justice Stevens it’s true
We elected an idiot
No we didn’t.
Sorry, Stevens, maybe back in the day.
But Trump is precisely correct that there are Trump judges, who rule on pure political lines, twisting any logic and precedent to ensure the right outcome.
Retired Justice Stevens is a smart man…even though it doesn’t take a genius to arrive at that conclusion.
He looks terrible btw in that picture. Is he OK, physically, I mean?
Well yes, that’s true
The fucked up electoral college allowed an incompetent criminal grifter to take possession of our White House
He just turned 99.
He came around to liking Kavanaugh. He must be on some really great medications.
Or just likes knocking back brewskies.
Maybe they left out the rest of the sentence – Kavanaugh’s “a really good judge [of economically priced lagers]."
Seems like he is speaking directly to the justices, reminding them of what they are supposed to be, more than making a statement for general consumption.
“He’s a really good judge,” Stevens said.
Of beer.
OMG…I forgot he was that old. What a blessing. We should all live that long. My bad.
Um, he doesn’t understand the role of anything - except perhaps that of a porn star in a movie.
it’s kinda beside the point that the abomination doesn’t understand the role of the judiciary (he doesn’t understand anything other than feeding his ego). the frightening thing is that the fascistgop does understand the role of the judiciary, which is why they’ve been trying for decades to pervert it. what the fascistgop doesn’t care to understand is the concept of justice, especially justice for all.
Trump doesn’t grasp much of anything, except, you know …
I strongly suspect the “President” never read the articles expounding on the role of the judicial branch in American governance that appeared in Playboy, he was there for other reasons
Oh, he understands. He understands their role quite well. He just thinks they should shirk their duties and do his bidding. He thinks everyone should do that.