Discussion: Republicans: Voters Have 'Hillary Fatigue' Because We Say So

Closer to Carnac the Magnificent, but without the yuks.

I believe that the country has ā€œmedia fatigueā€. Frankly, Iā€™m tired of the whole bunch, left, right and center.

Is it me or when WorkAndFreedom gets replied to, it comes up as Unfading Green?
Iā€™ve seen it at least twice.

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If they are already fatigued with Hillary, what will they be after sheā€™s been President for eight years starting two and half years from now? I think that is what they are really getting around to and the idea of how pathetic they are going to look poking weak jabs at her for the next ten years is already hurting.

They could all just shut up, think that that thought has ever crossed their minds?

Itā€™s you.

Hope that helps.

Iā€™ve yet to see you help bub, unless kvetching does someone, somewhere, some good?

Youā€™ve been exposed.


You, WorkAndFreedom faker boy.

Itā€™s not a TPM thing, itā€™s a you thing.

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