Discussion: Republicans: Voters Have 'Hillary Fatigue' Because We Say So

Discussion for article #224493

The liberal-ness of your Liberal Media on display. Liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal. Where’s Lenny Bruce when you need him?


If anything Americans have media fatigue, people are sick and tired of the shallowness of the news media.


I guess “Ready For Hillary” must be an illusion.

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Republican assholes say what?


I just have to laugh. When GOPs have nothing they just make shiite up.


Yes, all they do is talk about HRC, then they claim the country has “Hillary fatigue”.


This is nothing more than thinly veiled misogyny. Obama’s entire tenure is littered with Wingnut Wurlitzer griping and conspiracy theories having nothing more at root than hatred, fear and resentment a black man rose to the Presidency. The same will hold for Hillary, her gender will generate the same range of emotions and lashing out.

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“Out of touch” and “Hillary fatigue” will inevitably be invoked in tandem by Republican operatives over the next several weeks.

Or several years. Because it’s true. I think we have had enough Bushes and Clintons, thank you.

You would think that she would have learned from watching the Romneys get pilloried for similar statements indicating just how far removed they are from the average American.

She represents the worst aspects of the Democratic Party.


“We” who? More like YOU.


Says more about the Prince, that he’s tired of coming up with new ways to attack Hillary.

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And those negative policy attributes she represents are???

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She’s not a member of Occupy and she doesn’t want to appoint Edward Snowjob as Grand Poobah of the Universe, which disqualifies her as a “DINO” and a “traitor” in FadedGreen’s book.

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And the media are their lapdogs.

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Here’s 2 off the top of my head:

  1. She is completely full of shit on the NSA revelations.
  2. She is fully on board with the TPP - NAFTA on steroids.

She’s a free trading believer in the 1% and the MIC, just like Barack Obama.

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The media is owned by conservatives. The more the media hates Hillary the more I support her.

Here’s her taking a strong stand on the Keystone Pipeline! :

What a leader! A Towering Force for environmental righteousness!

I would rather have Hillary than any republican. She is loved by us democrats. She can pick a young democrat to be her VP.

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What Rinse and Repeat meant was that Repuiblicans are tired of thinking about how badly Hillary will shellac those folks riding in the GOP 2016 clown car…Rant Paul, Ted Grouse, Shrub the 3rd, Re-run Romney, we all forgot the Texas gov’s name, the Huckster, Swifty Walker, Bridgegate, with The Donald, Steve Pence, Mitch “We’ll make a profit on the Iraq War” Daniels, and Mikey Ryan in the auxiliary clown car.Maybe they’ll have Rinse and Repeat take one for the team. They could certainly do worse!


We can sit around and pat ourselves on the back all day for acknowledging the obvious insanity of the Right, but until the Democrats learn to feed the media the controversy they’re addicted to, the GOP will always own the media narrative.

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