I have GOP-Misanthropy. It’s like fatigue coupled with disgust, contempt, revulsion, and nausea.
Me, too!
Wait until the GOP Krazy Kar fills up and voters issue a collective Meh.
Im tired of asshole fatiuge…or GOP taliking points or GOP BS from BS mountian hell Im tired of rancid penis(rience priebus) damm he’s obnoxious
I will almost certainly vote for the Democratic nominee in the 2016 Presidential race … but I won’t be disappointed if that nominee is not Hillary Clinton.
Where is Edward R. Murrow when you need him?
The otherwise-unemployables of the Press Corpse, idiotic Chuck Todd (there’s a reason why stupidity is now measured in units of chucktodds), and Droolin’ Dave, haven’t got the brains to have “fatigue.” Come the revolution, the Washington Press Corpse is first in line at the guillotine (don’t I wish!).
I would say we have Tea Party fatigue…they are too much up in our business!
No because we’re not flaming loonytunes like the far right, and we’re going to do what it takes to keep the Republicans out of the WH in 2016.
Don’t forget 2014…THAT’S when we need to keep Republicans out of the Senate AND the House…or we won’t have a chance in 2016.
You are a fucking moron.
Drop dead, fuckwit.
Our National Stenographers hard at work with their Copy Machines.
Journalism is dead. Only Info-tainment exists now.
I have Priebus fatigue.
Again they are just making stuff up. This is nothing more then wishful thinking on the part of the GOP.
If people are fatigued of anything its the GOP constantly bringing up the phoney Benghazi scandal.
I have Reince Priebus fatigue and Reince Priebus disgust. How about Reince Priebus shut up and go away?
The last time Hillary fatigue was really a thing, Democrats nominated another Democrat who went on to serve 2 terms. So that’s not the worst thing in the world.
" “I think that the thing she has to fear is fatigue among the media,” Todd said. "
That is a remarkably transparent statement for Todd to say. He is admitting that they will bias reporting based on their own personal feelings.
Reince Priebus, the uncanny clairvoyant who boldly predicted that the Republicans in the House would be passing “comprehensive immigration reform” this year as well. Kreskin, he ain’t.
Murrow would have been fired by his network, after Rinsed Preebie threatened to pull all the GOP off of the network’s Sunday Rag-fest…and the network would have cravenly caved and begged for forgiveness.
Also, MSNBC and the Times would be offered up apologies, just out of reflex.