BRING IT ON! Let’s have that fight.
Can I start laughing now? The overwhelmingly negative response to the shit show pretty much undermines the Democrats only blame game.
I’m sorry, but you guys are in charge right now. That bird won’t fly any more.
Actually, non-support from a Trump administration WOULD most definitely kill the ACA.
The only question is, who would get the blame? Could voters truly be conned into blaming Democrats?
Only the moron’s who voted for Tweeto Cheeto in the first place…
“Trump said he will have football stadium events in states where he won by 10-12 points and he is going to dare people to vote against him,”
Go ahead. Your continual “everybody love me” tour is growing really old. The reception may not be what you expect.
Tornado season is about to hit those states. We could get lucky.
Sure; it’s a Vast-Left-Wing-Conspiracy.
So where is Hair Furor’s damning evidence that the ACA was a failure?
It’s under audit, along with his taxes, and wiretap proof.
I’m going to take my hands off the wheel, kill everyone in the car, and blame Ford.
10,000-15,000 in stadia?
MoFo couldn’t get more that 200 in one place for those March 4 Trump support rallies.
Well he does give himself credit for creating good weather.
especially when 38 million AARP members show up and ask him to explain the huge rises in deductibles they expect to face.
Any voters who were able to be conned into electing Donnie and his Republican cohorts can easily be conned into blaming the Dems. Dem leadership needs to be ready to play hard ball. We need to play offense, not defense!
Republicans - the party of hypocrisy and the deplorables.
I look forward to the day when Trump’s stadiums are full of people who are angry at HIM! Maybe he’ll stop the perpetual campaign nonsense then.
I know, right?! Not only is he already planning to lose the battle over his healthcare “plan”, he thinks moving the Medicaid phase out up to 2018 is a good thing? He wants voters to fully realize the true shittyness of this shitshow before he’s up for reelection. And I just love the fact he’s going back on the road to campaign. He’ll be up on stage ranting and raving as his raucous, racist, redneck crowds whip themselves up into a furied frenzy. It was bad during the campaign and it’ll be even worse now that he’s president and feeling under attack. He’ll be so completely off script that there’ll be no point in even packing the teleprompter.
That’s a rhetorical question, right? And with Price and trump’s executive order on the ACA in place, I fully expect them to screw up administration of the ACA in every way the law allows and many it doesn’t. Every bit of it they will blame on the democrats.