Discussion: Reports: Trump's Backup Plan To Repeal Is Blaming Dems For O'care Failure

Yes, they could–or could be conned into a plague-on-both-their-houses confusion. Ds not only have to crap on the replacement but be very loud and proud about what the ACA achieves. There ought to be Ds all over the TVs right now, explaining (1) the enormous success and popularity of the ACA; (2) Rs have been trying to con the country into thinking it was terrible precisely because the plan was so successful; (3) now they are trying to con the country with a plan that is a disaster.


He’s gonna find that those raucous, racist rednecks are fewer in number when they and their loved ones get knocked out of healthcare.


There’s an old joke that the reason Stalin never got anywhere in therapy is he always had the therapist executed at the end of the session and then had to start over.

Can you imagine being a fly on the wall if Trump ever gets on the couch?


Maybe Dems should put forth a Medicare for all plan as a counterbalance?

If the ACA fails due to Republican malfeasance, at least the Dems would still have a plan while the Republicans would continue to have nothing.


I have a feeling that just like it took 7 years to even reveal a replacement plan, it’s going to take 4 years of hashing with no replacement so they can use replacement in Donald’s reelection campaign too.


This will work with the brain-dead 35-40% of the electorate who takes Trump’s word as gospel, but not with anyone else. It also won’t work generally when premiums go up like clockwork next year.

@pshah Dems should hammer Donnie on Medicare drug price negotiation, too.


Exactly, he’s taking so many hits that I’m not sure if he’s getting the worst of it from the left or right. And he’s even gone to the trouble of gifting Democrats the perfect attack line. “That bill was so awful that even his own party couldn’t pretend to like it.”


He’s yet to face a crisis not of his own making. These are all self-inflicted wounds caused by negligence, sloth, or talking out of his ass-mouth.


I know the Republicans/Evangelicals are dumb, ignorant etc. Even if FOX spews this day in and day out, how is due to Democrats? Change the law as you please, no one is questioning it. Perhaps they are expecting Democrats to help them vote for ObamaCare repeal?


Wishful thinking?


I know I posted this on other threads, but it is Too. Fucking. Funny. The Trumpanzees have to be the most ignorant voters to ever band together.

They have been brainwashed by that man, Faux Not Really News, thRush Limpballs


Net disapproval has started to move back up:


I love how she goes out of her way to use the objective “whom” and then uses “dismiss” when she means “disagree”.


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you meant “blame the unions at Ford”.


GOP Supporters: We elected Republicans in all branches of govt so they can blame Democrats for everything that is wrong as they don’t know anything about governing. Obama took that skill away from them due to his Black Dicktatorship. Its not Trump’s fault.


Trump also said at the meeting that he plans to campaign for the bill’s passage in red states with vulnerable Democratic lawmakers.

“Trump said he will have football stadium events in states where he won by 10-12 points and he is going to dare people to vote against him,” an unnamed source told CNN.

Except most of those states didn’t adopt the ACA anyway so what would there be to vote against? I’ve said it before: the Rethugs are in trouble with this because the timing is way off. If they had been able to get the WH and Congress in 2012, then the ACA would be some vague, distant memory.

The problem for them is that some Americans HAVE been able to take advantage of health insurance after not having anything at all. “Obamacare” is no longer a hypothetical; it’s as real as Medicare or SS. Even if it were to “collapse” it does so on the Rethugs dime. They control Congress, the Dems are out of the picture. Those who are on the ACA will want benefits equal to or greter than the ACA. Not HSA’s and tax credits.


I caught that, too. I only enjoy being a Grammar Nazi when it involves pointing out the ignorance of the “Make English Our Official Language” crowd.


Dozens will show up to cheer. Dozens, I tell ya.


Oh! Oh! Oh!

I know the next reply!!

“National Review? Isn’t that like words and stuff? Typical libtard media”

Sadly, I have had that argument used in reference to the Wall Street Journal editorial page. “Oh, that’s just a newspaper, so its obviously biased for liberals”


Ah, you beat me to it. I image that boatloads of folks are going to show up to cheer for taking away thier healthcare.