This is all part of the plan making America great again folks. I guess it’s us regular folks that is destroying America in his mind with being poor and needing Medicare and Medicaid.
The President’s forthcoming proposal comes after he pledged on the campaign trail not to touch social safety net programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
Of course, the MSM will report on this and will inevitably interview some schmuck who supported him. Said schmuck will state their shock and disappointment in Trump with the line, that “he promised” and “I believed him.”
Then I’ll need to buy another television.
“Sir, shit isn’t fucked up enough yet! The liberal-negro-gay-muslim-mexican alliance is still alive!”
"You sad, pathetic losers! Destroy faster, assholes! Make it Bigly!
If the Republicans kill off all the poor people, who’s gonna be left for them to spit on and kick around?
Or the stenographers in the GOP 24/7 Bullshit Machine will talk to Berniebots and Jill Shills who will keep saying “Hillary would have been worse”…
Oh they will still go after them Mooselims…
…and his supporters in Appalachia cheer, thinking that only the benefits of “those people” will be cut.
This is OT, except it is indicative of how utterly shameless these monsters are:
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." – John Steinbeck
Most nursing homes are filled–overwhelmingly–with patients on Medicaid. High time we got those pigs out of the public trough.
The Three Tenets of Trumpismo:
- Fuck the glass house principle: Accuse people of doing the illegal/unethical/immoral things you are yourself doing.
- Fuck the ‘My word is my bond’ principle: Promises (to you) are meant to be kept (by others). There is no reciprocal obligation.
- Fuck 'em: Grab 'em by the pussy or whatever. You’re a star, baby – they’ll let you do that.
Were they expecting Indivisible or Women’s March stuff? I sometimes wonder if this level of cluelessness can be affected. Maybe they really are this fucking clueless.
I would bet that not everybody in his cabinet could answer the question: Does Iran or KSA have free elections?
Or the stenographers in the GOP 24/7 Bullshit Machine will talk to Berniebots and Jill Shills who will keep saying “Hillary would have been worse”…
Still all butthurt Joe? Your girl lost to unarguably the worst president in American history.
Yous truly
I’m surprised Trump didn’t ask if he could attend a beheading…or the Saudis didn’t offer to hold one for him.
Putin was a pretty strong leader for the ticket, actually.
@mickeyg I’m sure he’d like to. What did he see in that orb, anyway—maybe his own impeachment?
The Ghost of Jim Comey.
Too much blood. The Orange Menace is famously squeamish about blood – the bastard even wants his steaks well-done. Remember that the heart pressurizes the circulatory system to around 100 mm Hg. Lop somebody’s head off with a sword and blood sprays everywhere.
I’m sure they could arrange golden showers, with underage girls, even.