Discussion: Reports: Trump To Propose Major Cuts To Medicaid In Budget

A lot of people have suggested that Congress should be on Obamacare. We should be suggesting that Congress and top officials of the executive branch be on Medicaid.


If the Democrats have one functioning borg brain cell , this should be the line of attack.
Hey there Xer’s and Millennial’s, thought your student loan problems were fucked up …just wait.
The Republicans have a plan to make that the least of your problems. Soon you’ll be worring about 5k a month to keep Ma and Pa in the nursing home or maybe figuring out how to move them back home. But you may be too busy shopping for health care insurance with the new and improved voucher plan to replace Medicare .
You better get your pitchforks and torches ready because this is what they plan for YOUR future.
Oh yeah BTW voting matters and no they are not all the same


It’s OK, folks…Dumblefuck will use the power of The Mystic Orb to bring back all the good factory jobs so you can afford the soon-to-be-passed Shitcare…which will be Bigly Hugelyer and Bestestly Awesomeist compared to Medicrap.

Believe me, I know Shitcare, and this is the best Shitcare you’ve ever seen. You’ll get sick of Shitcare because of how awesome it is.


As many as 22,000 military families are using food stamps. Would any be impacted by Trump’s food stamp cuts? Why does Trump hate military families?


Apparently he believes he can solve illegal immigration by turning America into a 2nd world country.


Chaim Yankel, as usual. And his cousin, Ali.

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Mission Accomplished.


Don’t be to sure about that. I’ve heard numerous interviews where people shrug off Trump’s lies and broken promises with the words, “Everyone’s a crook in Washington, he’s no worse than any of them.”

Always missing is any self awareness that we should demand better of our elected leaders.


Trump is protecting Medicaid like he said he would. Surely the $800 billion cut is just “protecting” his white working class base from evils like “good health” and, for many, “living”?


Slashing Food Stamps will come up against Big Ag – and this is one instance I will be standing side by side with a group of huge industry lobbyists. Slashing medicaid so much will have deadly effects almost immediately. The vast majorities of nursing home residents rely (almost solely) on medicaid assistance for where they live and the care they receive there. Please, Democrats, utilize whatever means necessary to get the word out NOW what this means, who is affected and how. Smart advertisements on AM Radio and cable is a good start.


If this cruel Malthusian budget passes, and many millions lose heath care, many will know to blame Trump and the GOP.


In related news, Democratic congressional candidates Quist and Ossoff can’t believe their luck in being handed such a massive political advantage.


Remind me, didn’t Bernie lose the Clinton? It seems like a lifetime ago that people that people were actually arguing about that. As if a scandal a day wasn’t enough for everyone…


Know who lost even worse? Bernie. To Hillary.

You may go now.


Hopefully, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

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As long as many (but not all, since many are just stupid) know to blame the Trump GOP, 2018 can be a wipeout for them.

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Exactly. The people in nursing homes will be hit the hardest if this goes through. And they can’t fight back.


Maybe I’m just too confused by the endless chaos coming from the White House and GOP Congress, but haven’t we known this for more than a month?


Those Trump supporters know how to demand better when the elected leader is a Democrat. They just don’t have the intelligence, humility and/or self-respect to acknowledge the stunningly obvious truth about their selection of Trump, that they fucking blew it.

It’s not Trump they’re defending – it’s themselves, and it represents a lifetime of stubborn ignorance that they’ve chosen to exalt rather than remedy.