Here in the Fourth Congressional District, we know Fat Mike as Koch’s lock on the seat. Can’t be bothered to debate challengers, is unresponsive to constituent needs, and uses his office to bully the local Islamic school into shutting down on Good Friday. I read a couple of his law school publications while doing oppo research for Raj Goyle back in 2010; very much an establishmentarian, whatever the ideology of that establishment happens to be.
Oh, and while running an aircraft-industry supply company here, he outsourced jobs to Mexico.
Well, look on the bright side. Even if they get confirmed, these people are clusterfucks and at least one or three of them will cause Congress and the Admin some major headaches. I’m just a chump out here in “Real America” but I could make better Conservative picks than these clowns.
I have never been one of those folks who comments on the TPM type-o’s or lack of editing or headline editing…but is it too much to expect that this article would contain more than Pompeo’s name? Virtually all the information about Pompeo is in the thoughtful comments by paying subscribers.
I would hope she wouldn’t accept the pardon, as doing so is an acceptance of guilt. She didn’t commit a crime.
They have bigger fish to fry. She won the popular vote. They have 2 years to “prove” their ideas are better and the economy is prone to cool off as dollar strengthens and the Fed starts raising rates in earnest. Plus it’s been a while since we had a recession - we are due for one. One would hope cooler minds (and I think Mitch and Paul are pragmatic if nothing else) will recognize this and put the kibosh on an HRC prosecution.
Plus, if she becomes the target of political persecution, she will be elevated to the role of martyr. She will be our own Kyi.
Get with the Program, daveyjones64. The American People have spoken, albeit through the Electoral College, and affirmative action with on the job training for loud talking, underqualified, right wing white guys is what they have chosen.
Looks like it is now Sessions as AG.
In some ways that may even be worse than Kobach.
I guess Trump felt that Kobach was just a bit TOO ambitious.
Then again, there is always SOMEPLACE he can stick him in the DOJ.
I guess we’re in the era where everything goes. Did you see that Jared and Ivanka both sat in on daddy’s meeting with Japanese PM Abe? “Blind trust”? hahahahahahahahaha Total banana republic shit.
Nor did Nixon. He was ACCUSED of crimes, but never charged or tried in criminal court. Some pardons are peremptory in nature. No admission of a crime is needed, nor a denial of having committed one to necessitate the pardon in the first place. Similarly, everyone knows Trump’s property management teams discriminated against blacks in the 70s and 80s. He settled with the Justice department, with no admission of guilt. Hillary could just pocket the pardon and move on with her life. The alternative is a willingness to burn through millions in legal fees and being publicly humiliated on a monthly basis by various Congressional committees and law enforcement agencies, forced to testify under threat of contempt charges. And all the while her persecutors holding her up as an (alleged) example of Democrat malfeasance and criminality, the very same malfeasance and criminality that justified their decision to vote Trump into office. Hillary, and the Democrat party, might be wise to take a pass on all that.
They will be dragged through mud though if she gets/accepts a pardon. Optics will be that she’s admitting guilt, she’s same as Nixon, she’s corrupt, etc etc. Despite controlling Congress, the GOP is on thin ice. I totally understand if she does take a pardon, I wouldn’t judge her for it. But I don’t think the optics will be good for the party or for either Barack or Hillary’s legacies. I don’t think they will touch her as long as she doesn’t start making a stink about popular vote.
Colin Powell e-mails exposed by Wikileaks revealed he thinks Flynn is a monumental jerk. A poor manager, and a trouble maker with superiors, peers and subordinates, seemingly if for no other reason than the satisfaction of the making of the trouble for its own sake and no other apparent reasons.