If Pompeo’s agenda has anything to do with his business interests, than the head of the CIA will be opposing restrictions on oil drilling and fracking since his company Sentry International is a supplier to both: http://sentryinternational.net/Contact/
You don’t have to hire attorneys and show up for partisan show trials if being dragged through the mud is the extent of the punishment your persecutors are limited to. Big difference. It would seem her reputation gets sullied either way, so why not save her the ordeal of letting her detractors measure the rope and throwing it over a tree bough?
During the ‘checklist’ portion of his confirmation hearing, Flynn will be asked to give his side, as to why he got pushed out of DIA.
those poor fact checkers
No doubt some Senator will give him an opening to extol on the failures at Benghazi. 15 minutes of rehashing that will end up on a continuous Fox News loop for a few evenings.
Because you care about your party and values, and you’re willing to make the sacrifice for 2018?
I would totally accept the pardon. If I were her lawyer or son or friend, I probably would tell her to accept it, just to save herself the headache. But she is a better person than I am, and I think will be more concerned about future optics than personal pain. Plus I think she secretly enjoys making GOPers look stupid.
That said, I really really don’t think they’ll pursue her.
“Anyone notice that the Trump promise to drain the swamp seems to involve pumping in raw sewage instead?”
Fixed that for you.
Donald Trump’s oxygen is revenge. There are interviews with people that have him dishing out retribution for sleights that are DECADES old, petty payback for stuff that happened in the 80s and 90s, delivered to this day. Maybe you’re correct. I’ve never read any reports about a leopard losing its spots, but I’ll grant it may have happened somewhere.
Perfect ! We wouldn’t want him to seem smarter than President Trump, wouldn’t we ?
Anyway. When’s his next court date in that fraud case?
I was referring to Trump.
Pompeo’s job is likely that of a ‘cherry picker’.
Sorry, I was thinking of Flynn…
Wondering how prepared Pompeo is to keep a close eye on his boss, especially considering the opaque international business ties of the Prez-elect and his associates.
Flynn, Pomeo…
After '17 heads to the books, I might find myself missing George Tenet.
No wonder Trump likes him, a man after his own chaos-loving heart!
I do, and worry about just how far they’ll go if Obama doesn’t pull their claws first. Trump’s absolute style is dominance… revenge; her winning more votes and all the other ways she resisted/attacked/made a fool of him, plus just being a woman certainly qualifies her for the highest of positions in his revenge list, and the worst of revenge.
Agreeing with #khaaan that Kobach is too ambitious, loyal only to himself. Sessions has appropriately abased himself.
Never. He settled! #45 is an admitted fraudster.