First off, I hope that there are no fatalities or serious injuries.
Secondly, gun reform god fucking damn it.
Thirdly: can you imagine tragedies like these happening with Trump aka the soulless POS as President?
I want to live in a world where “shooting” and “elementary school” never appear in the same headline. I know, it’s asking a lot. Please, please, please don’t be another Sandy Hook.
This is one part of the job that I know that Obama is not going to miss. Once again visiting somewhere to offer comfort to bereaved parents. I wish this would stop, but I don’t think it ever will.
Cue Republicans saying this is a mental health issue, not a gun issue, and then they’ll cut mental health funding, like asshole Chris Christie just did to us here in Jersey.
I mean, 6 year old kids…KIDS…were killed in Newtown and more young kids possibly here! At the very least we know, their lives were endangered! and still these Republican cowards bend over to the NRA and will DO NOTHING!!!
Ok, the Good Guy With a Gun WAS there but he was busy learning the alphabet.
I will remember the rest of my life where I was when Sandy Hook happened.
We’ve done almost nothing about it, and in many places it’s easier to get a gun than before.
We’re idiots, babe. It’s a wonder we can even feed ourselves.
When and where did this teen get radicalized?
CNN - Not one word
MSNBC - less than 30 seconds.
Trump - 24/7
American is broken
Great! Those bullet holes remind me of FREEDOM, m’am!
I just hope the teenage shooter is white.
I’ll never forget kneeling down on the floor in my parent’s living room and staying there for hours as I watched Columbine unfold on CNN.
It’s fucking enough.
Let’s put it like this - if he weren’t, I’m sure we’d have heard about it by now…
When someone murdered kindergarteners before Christmas and nothing changed, that’s when I realized nothing would change with gun laws anytime soon. I will always remember that moment, just like I will always remember where I was on 9/11.
20 years from now, my kids are gonna ask me how we did nothing after Sandy Hook. And I will not have answer for them…
Will never happen at the federal level until we first, neuter the NRA and second, elect a very strong majority of anti-NRA congress men and women. Tackling the NRA will be a long and difficult battle, electing only anti-NRA representation should be easy if we focus on GOTV efforts.
The Anderson County Coroner’s Office is investigating a death on Osborne Road in Townville that officials said is connected with the shooting at the school. The location is a little more than 3 miles from school.
The coroner’s office said a man was found dead at the home, and that he died before the shooting at the school.
Investigators confirmed that the death has a “direct connection” to the shooting at the school.
White Shooter: “A distraught child, left hopeless by the jackboot tyranny of Obama/Clinton!”
Non-White Shooter: “A terrorist thug, without respect for American institutions or the rule of law!”
Either Way: “Moar gunz!”
What’s the problem? These 3 injured people are just enjoying their freedumb to the fullest extent available.
Townville, and Anderson County are in SC not NC! Upstate SC. I still have family within miles of there and drove through that place more times than I could count decades ago, so no need to check a map. Front page correct, but discussion title says “NC”.
He is in custody, so pretty good bet he is.