Discussion: Reports: NFL Star Adrian Peterson Indicted On Child Injury Charges

Discussion for article #227638

Montgomery County? He’s going to do some time. Especially with Rusty Hardin (of Anna Nicole Smith fame) as attorney of record.

“Adrian? Ray Rice is on the phone. He wants to say thanks.”


BREAKING NEWS: Roger Goodell just handed Peterson a 35-minute suspension. But in accordance with new league rules, Peterson will NOT be paid for those 35 minutes.


Stoooopidity should be a very painful disease.


If it were, the Teapublicans would be bedridden in perpetuity.

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I didn’t exactly this, but I’m not surprised. He’s engaged in some reckless behavior in the past. I had expected something like cracking a car while driving way over the speed limit.

He just got the old Tareyton cigarette ad jingle backwards: “better switch than fight”.

Less than one year ago…

A 2-year-old son of Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson died on Friday in a Sioux Falls, S.D., hospital, the victim of alleged abuse by a man who was dating the boy’s mother, police confirmed.

That’s right. I knew he was in the news recently related to a child. How devastating to have lost a child in this way - could he possibly have done something similar (though not fatal) to another child?


In this article he says he has “whooped” his other kids the same way. He doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

The beating allegedly resulted in numerous injuries to the child, including cuts and bruises to the child’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum, along with defensive wounds to the child’s hands.

The kid is four years old.

Buzzfeed has an article with pictures of the injuries taken 5 days after the fact.

smdh - kids and animals forgive a lot of shit.

Taking a “switch” to a 4-year-old hard enough to open the skin because the 4 year-old pushed another child away from a video game? Wow. Somebody’s over-reaaaacting!

Did you notice that part of his lawyer’s defensive statement was on the order of, Adrian didn’t do anything worse to this kid than he himself got when he was growing up. In other words, Peterson himself was beaten bloody as a child, so of course he considered it okay to bring out a few little cuts and bruises when punishing a 4 year old.

You can’t blame the man, it’s what his “judgment as a father” told him was okay! Because HIS father was an abuser.

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From the viewpoint of his life experience he probably doesn’t think he did anything wrong. And let’s not get hung up on the term “whooped” OK?

I’ve met Adrian a few times and cannot see him having an anger management problem. More likely he’s disciplining his kids in ways that don’t conform to today’s standards of correct discipline.

And today’s standards , talk to the four year old and reason with them, while feeling good are ripe with failure.

One of my family members and his wife let their first born run wild while giving him time outs and “reasoning” with him. They were always quick to tell us that they did not spank their children.

Robbie was five years old when his parents tired to "reason " with him as he ran down their lawn into the street and was killed.

What reckless behavior would that be?

Well… that was fast Peterson getting indicted by a secret grand jury. What’s taking so, long in the Mike Brown murder case. A ham sandwich could get indicted by a persecutor but, a white man killing an unarmed black kid not a chance.


I talked to a friend who’s a real football junkie. Picked his video service based on the great football sports package they offered, and he puts every single one of those channels to good use during the season.

I asked him about the controversy.

He said it wasn’t a surprise, that “stuff like that” happens all the time.

Minneapolis Star Tribune posted the photos of the boy’s injuries. They look bad considering that the photos were taken 4 days after the whooping. I’d say Adrian went too far. I am a Minnesotan and a huge Vikings fan. I really like Adrian.
I was looking forward to the Patriots game this weekend. Adrian is deactivated for this Sunday, there goes a big part of our offense. Hope he learns from this and does not ever whoop a child like that again. Link to photos: http://www.startribune.com/sports/vikings/274946031.html

That was also the second grand jury. The first one this summer decided not to indict Adrian. They convened another one rather quickly.

Texas Grand Juries sit for a specific time. At the end of one term, another Grand Jury is sworn in.