Discussion: Reports: NFL Star Adrian Peterson Indicted On Child Injury Charges

What seems to have caused the second Grand Jury to indict are the text messages Peterson sent the boy’s mother:

"Peterson then texted the boy’s mother, saying that one wound in particular would make her “mad at me about his leg. I got kinda good wit the tail end of the switch.”

"Peterson also allegedly said via text message to the child’s mother that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh” and also acknowledged the injury to the child’s scrotum in a text message, saying, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!”

"In further text messages, Peterson allegedly said, “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.”

Unsolicited parenting advice is always fraught with danger but, as someone who was no stranger to the recieving end of the switch, in my humble opinion there’s no excuse for pulling down a four year old’s pants and whipping him to the point he has marks 5 days later.


A doctor said he found the wounds serious enough that he felt he had to report it. That’s beyond discipline in my opinion.

having 5 children with 5 different women raises my reckless flag. he was not aware that the 2yr old killed last year was even his son until the post mortem. the man has a reckless Dick and a poor memory if nothing else.


sad story. reminds me of my neighbor’s child getting hit by a car running away from Dad’s belt and the thought of the ensuing ‘discipline’.

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I agree. A few slaps on the butt with his hand would have been sufficient.

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Fudge, I really like Peterson. But, he obviously has some bad issues and considering the timing, I believe he’s just about cooked.

If the NFL really digs in, the college players just might start getting fat paychecks.

Take a look at he photos in the Minneapolis Star-tribune of the injuries to this 4 yo child. Welts, cuts all over this boy’s thigh administered by a tremendously strong, fit professional athlete…I can only imagine what his back looks like. If that’s not child abuse the term has no meaning.

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Love of everyone completely freaks when a grown woman is abused, but when it’s a child, it’s somehow less an offense. Wow.


He should do time.

“Got him in the nuts once I noticed?”

And he’s facing a maximum of 2 years?

And the little boy? He’s learned that if you don’t get to have things your way, you make someone bleed.

I noticed that like Rice, he married the mother of his children once his criminality attracted the attention of a district attorney.

When it comes to corporal punishment for children, if there is a mark eft on the child, then the force was excessive, period.

If there are marks, then it is child abuse.

If there are no marks it can still be abuse, but if there are marks, it is DEFINITELY child abuse.

Rusty Hardin of Roger Clemens fame.

Another strike against Adrian in my book is that the first time he had seen his 2 year old son who was killed by another abuser in South Dakota was hours before he was taken off life support. If you have a child and are paying child support, your first time seeing your son should not be on his deathbed at age 2. I realize that he may have had issues with the mother, but the child is the innocent party. When you have the money and means of a millionaire athlete, there is no excuse for never seeing your son regardless of your feelings for the mother.

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Why isn’t he suspended indefinitely and fired from the Vikings, oh yeah he is a superstar in the league, while Ray Rice is just another running back easily replaced.

For me this is WORSE than what Ray Rice did. At least his wife can leave him, fight back, call the police etc…this child can do nothing.

He found out he was the father of that child after the child died. That earlier child was beaten by another man.

I doubt Adrian will ever be seen in a Vikings uniform again. After reading this article in the Daily Norseman by Chris Gates, I feel pretty much the same as Gates:

The sad fact is that based on his childhood, he did not know any better. This is not an excuse for him, just an explanation. This is the reason he should never have become a parent, but we will not talk about this issue because it is “politically incorrect” to do so.

I think this is the most depressing comment of all.


It was beyond depressing for me to hear him rattle off the offenses – abuse, rape, murder (?) – that apparently pass for weekly youthful indiscretions or something in the NFL.

I stopped following football as a soap opera a long time ago. I can’t believe our culture has degenerated so far, so fast, so furtively. On Sundays to boot.