Discussion: Reports: Minnesota Gov Would Likely Pick Female Lt. Gov To Replace Franken

So far, seven women have come forward alleging Franken forcibly kissed or groped them without their consent in the past.

Can I sue a writer for getting facts wrong? I really wish i could.


Oh stop being such a fuddy-duddy. This is about destroying someoneā€™s career and reputation based on vague and anonymous allegations. ā€œFactsā€ and ā€œevidenceā€ and ā€œdue processā€ and all those boring, dated things do not enter into it. Come onā€“join the party!


I can almost go to the place where I hope she rips off her mask just after being seated, becomes Michelle Bachman and gives the Dem Senators the finger.



Not quite there yet myself. But, yeah, almost.

Iā€™d rather see Ellison get a head start and serve as a stark and ironic contrast to Moore.

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I rather Ellison just go away, but thats just my opinion.


Duh. I said it yesterday: If he didnā€™t appoint a woman, heā€™d get lambasted for it.

Whatā€™s to say that Mitch the Corporate Bitch McConnell wouldnā€™t just wait until next year before seating her?

Yeah, thatā€™s the problem, Senator Franken has already indicated many of the charges are real and acknowledged his accusers.

Smith is a close ally of the governor who would have no interest in running for Congress in a 2018 special election

Iā€™m hoping LG Smith is trying to spin, otherwise, lets get someone in there to use the training wheels before the special election.


Hey! Mark Dayton - this is politics - it is OK to appoint a competent capable individual who would have strong desire and dedication - and wants to serve the people of your state for many years to come

It is absolutely OK to select a powerful promising individual who would be an awesomely formidable candidate in 2018 ā€¦ and who would be committed to retaining the senate seat.

You are under NO OBLIGATION to insert a bland short-term ā€œcare-takerā€ who will decline to participate in 2018 and instantly be a lame-duck place holder.

You are under NO OBLIGATION to try to orchestrate a ā€œlevel playing fieldā€ for all potential 2018 candidates - not for the General Election - nor the Primary ā€¦ seriously - the reason that the Governor gets to make the choice is because it is somehow thought that the Governor is able to make a wise and qualified choice.

Do not take a pass - - if there is a credible, sane, rational, dedicated individual who would make Minnesota proud now and for years to come - nominate them - open the door for them - provide the gift of incumbency to them - especially if they are one of those individuals who might have an up hill fight to breakthrough - but once in office would be beloved & an enormous asset to the state & the nation.


Iā€™d really like TPM to look into exactly what made Dem senators suddenly turn on Franken. Is he unpopular? Is there a sense that more ā€˜revelationsā€™ are in the pipeline? Were their mailboxes/twitter feeds suddenly flooded by people/bots demanding action? Because, judging from the various antennae that I have in the Dem grassroots, the overwhelming feeling I get is that the Dems most involved in organizing against the GOPā€“the people delivered real victories in OK, VA, and GAā€“are deeply, deeply pissed off and wondering at what point the national politicians will stop fucking things up for everyone else.


Nope. He denied them all. The only things he didnā€™t deny were that photos were taken, including one showing him making a childish joke. ā€œI donā€™t remember it the way she doesā€ was just a nice way of saying ā€œsheā€™s full of shitā€. But hey, you go ahead and keep repeating that Faux News talking point and weā€™ll all get the gallows ready so we can hang the one man whoā€™s been accused this year who actually tried very VERY hard to respond in a respectful manner that acknowledged women might have experienced their interactions with him in ways that didnā€™t match his own experience of those interactionsā€¦or his intent during them. After all, nothing could possibly be more important than preserving our supposed moral high ground and the purity of our righteousness.


Considering the circumstances, he kind has to

Putting someone in that position who ISNā€™T going to be the long-term solution to the opening, taking advantage of incumbency in 2018, is political malpractice. There are enough crazies in Minnesota who canā€™t be trusted that itā€™s ridiculous to think that itā€™s a safe Dem seat.


The Great Penis Hunt of 2017 continues. Note that it has no impact on GOPeers just weakens Democrats as we head into 2018 mid-terms.


Please appoint her soonest. I would love to get past this.

While Iā€™m glad Dayton intends to appoint a woman to Frankenā€™s seat, Iā€™m disappointed that he appears to be choosing someone not interested in running for Senate. I was hoping Dayton would choose a strong progressive woman whoā€™s willing and able to keep and defend the seat going forward.


Yesterday or earlier today someone mentioned Lori Swanson, MNā€™s AG, as a possible replacement/candidate for Frankenā€™s seat. She sounds like an interesting choice, but admittedly I donā€™t know much about her.

Any Minnesotans care to weigh in?

Yeah, but will she run and be elected or have we just given this seat away? Congratulation Ladies. Battle won but war may be lost.