Discussion: Reports: Minnesota Gov Would Likely Pick Female Lt. Gov To Replace Franken

Well, if you read the article, the governor specifically mentioned that appointing a female would be appropriate… So use of the word fits in the title. And yes, if he had said it would be appropriate to appoint a male, I guarantee there would be much said about that.

I’m not totally sure how to interpret this, but if you’re theorizing that the “true activists” of the Democratic party are all angry that Franken is stepping down, then… no.

I live in a profoundly red state. The only “resistance” group to speak of around here was organized the day after the election along the lines of women’s rights–this is a group in the “pussy hat” mold. These are the kinds of people who have random backbencher House members’ constituent liaison’s alternate cell phone numbers memorized. You saw our picture in the NYT the day after the inauguration and thought, “Holy shit, they held a Women’s March protest there?!” This group has a raw nerve for every last little atrocity that’s rained down on us for the last year, and it all gets hashed out in real time on the private FB groups and in meetings.

You know what this group of tough, liberal, mostly women is saying about Franken? More or less this: “Okay then. Moving on.” They’re not second-guessing more or less every Democratic female Senator. They’re not slut-shaming his accusers in ways that would have Roy Moore taking notes. They’re not celebrating. There’s not much consolation going on over the fact that women are being taken a little more seriously. The only person anyone has blamed for Franken’s resignation is… Franken. And they’re not saying that very loudly, because they have a relationship with his office. Every 100th time a senator’s office’s number came up on the call chart it was his.

So no, I don’t see a lot of “Dems most involved” calling for a counter-purge.


That’s when I stopped defending him.

And all I want to do is move on now. And I’m glad you aren’t seeing anger out there among activists.


He is appointing her BECAUSE she won’t run in November.
That leaves the race open for a GOP win.—stupid Democrats being “fair” about this.

It would also make a Republican the new Lt, Governor.

This is beyond stupid—first, losing Franken to a right-wing set-up. Second, screwing up the possibility of keeping the seat Democratic. And Third, making a wingnut Republican the LG.

This is what the lefty purity police have done.
They’re all stupid, stupid, stupid.


How stupid - lets leave an open seat for the next election instead of appointing someone who can build a record. Also, are we getting a Corporate Dem in place of an actual Progressive?

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Governor Dayton might not appoint his Lieutenant Governor. If he appoints her, the leader of the state Senate will fill the Lt. Gov. vacancy. The leader of the Senate is a Republican. Given the fact that Gov. Dayton is not all that healthy, allowing a Republican to fill the Lt. Gov. position would run the risk of putting the Republicans in complete control of both the Executive and Legislative Branches. I’m not sure he or the Democrats are willing to take that risk. I think he should appoint a person who will be a strong candidate when he or she has to stand for election next year.

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Painfully STUPID - AND IRRESPONSIBLE - and dramatically demonstrating the lack of central coherency in the Democratic party - - it appears that in response to being steamrolled by the GOP - the only thing that Democrats can mange to do with one unified voice is cry “OUCH” and mount some sporadic displays of “resistance” - when will the genuine push back occur?

  • OR -  as Casey Stengel, while managing the New York Mets , reportedly asked, "Can't anybody here play this game?"
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Typical Democratic move. Can’t play hardball even when no one is at bat. This seat will turn red next year. Great strategy, Governor.

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Good to know. We move in different circles.


He said explicitly in his resignation speech that he denies some of the allegations. So how is it you know better than he does?

You sure it’s not because he wants to run for the seat himself? That was my first impression.

Either way, I agree that the best long-term choice should be made now. Incumbency is an advantage we should not piss away.