Discussion for article #241382
Let’s just make Joe vice-president for life and leave it at that.
Say it ain’t so, Joe.
The spotlight can be addictive but it’s best to turn it off and this would be that time.
All the noise being made about his potential campaign feels more like a media concoction than a genuine interest, but that’s just me.
"…anonymous confidants of Biden’s say he’s likely to come to a decision by next weekend, or shortly thereafter.
If this confidante really wants to advise Joe, he should tell Joe that today is a Hell of a lot better than next weekend or shortly thereafter. Joe has damn near let the train pull out of the station without him.
A lot of “journalists” are going to have a great big sad next week. A lot of Sanders supporters are probably going to have a great big sad, too.
I completely agree. This has gone on way too long, and feels more like a game/ploy for attention. I like Biden, but I seriously hope he won’t run. He’s not the best candidate, and the best he could hope to do would be seriously damage the eventual Democratic nominee and make it more likely for a Republican to take the White House (and Supreme Court) in 2016.
Somebody explain to me what the fundamental differences are between Biden’s likely positions on the issues and HRC’s, because from what I can see they’re basically the candidates of the same wing of the Democratic Party. And anybody who thinks Hillary’s a gaffe machine will be unhappily surprised should he throw his hat into the ring, cuz Joe’s just as likely if not moreso to trip over his own tongue. Joe’s a good guy, but anybody who is familiar with his career knows that he really, really enjoys the spotlight.
There’s a reason his two previous attempts at the nomination failed badly.
On top of all this, if he got the nomination he’d be the oldest major party candidate ever at 73, and if he was elected he’d be 74 by the time of the inauguration. Remember all the fun Democrats had poking fun at how old Reagan was? Ronnie was three years younger when he was elected.
i really find his behavior with this unacceptable. either shit or get off the pot. it’s not like the man hasn’t had years to consider a presidential campaign. and frankly, since there’s damn little difference between him and clinton, he should just keep out.
esp with sanders’ continuing growth in support – despite a near total media blackout.
but, then, that’s what he wants to prevent – sanders as the candidate.
well, he could easily put a stop to the media speculation; instead he fuels it.
I disagree. The republicans have how many candidates? If we have one more that is going to ruin it for us?
I think Biden should run. Let the Democratic voters and caucus goers decide. Simple solution. It’s called democracy
Agreed, but the time for a serious Biden run has long since passed. And he knows it. It sort of saddens me that this media created hype about a late Biden entry has so mesmerized him.
And I do love the guy. I voted for him in his first presidential run. But he has zero hope of winning a nomination at this late date. He has stated numerous times he doesn’t have “the fuel” for a run, he has already declined the first debate. The state organization game is pretty much already locked down, the big donors are already committed…hell, even the small donor networks are already committed.
And he brings nothing new to the campaign. There is no single, driving issue, that he has significant differences with Hillary.
Well according to the pundits she’s dead in the water.
I suspect he will not run – Hillary is not as weak as the national media would make her out to be. I could see a stint as Secy of State unless Kerry stays on board.
Not this pundit
Plus I have those pesky little polling numbers that show her still winning in every state by pretty much the same margins she has all summer, with the exception of NH where Sanders essentially has a home field advantage.
She has been roundly beating Biden in EVERY poll that has come out comparing the two of them for well over a year now. The question of Biden or Clinton has been asked of Democrats nationally close to 150 times already. The answer has always been Clinton, by over 20% points.
Kerry is retired after Obama’s term. President’s just don’t carry over SoS from previous administrations, especially somebody like Hillary where so much of her political identity if tied up in her foreign policy expertise.
I don’t, not in the least. This man has recently been through the worst pain imaginable, and for the second time. He has serious questions about whether he can handle it and whether his family can handle a presidential campaign. No one, except the MSM, is being hurt by Biden taking his time. No one. If anything, it’s created a bit of excitement and media interest in a Democratic Primary that’s sorely lacking in any suspense.
Remember that the buzz started with Dowd’s column about his dying son Beau telling Joe to run. Somebody leaked that conversation with a purpose in mind.
My poll numbers show HRC at the top of the field in several major categories, including prediction markets, endorsements and fundraising. None of this, however, has penetrated the little brain of the supermarket checkout guy who saw my “H for President” button on my coat and said “Is Hillary running?” I could barely find the words, but I managed, “Yes, and she’s the frontrunner.” Oh, he said, I haven’t been watching the news.