Discussion: Reports: GOP Advisers Warning Trump That Party Faces Tough 2018 Midterms

Caveat - never underestimate the influence of Fox on the rest of the mainstream media to drive a story against Dems.


Iā€™ve just sat for a few moments wondering what options they have in the remote chance that they decide to spend the next 11 months doing positive things that help people. They seem to have blown off jobs and health insurance. Infrastructure? They already gave away the store to their funders; another trillion in tax breaks to crony contractors wonā€™t fly and wouldnā€™t do them a hell of a lot of political good if it did, Iā€™d think. What can they do? Start a war? Pretty wag-the-doggish at this point. I honestly donā€™t see any real path forward.


Well - give the tax reform a chance to do itā€™s work - respond some deadenders.

We already know how that will work out for them.

o/t - little item about former Manafort parter Gates - getting cross wise with the judge - again (second time in the past couple of days, I believe) for holding a ā€˜defense fundraiserā€™. Included in the article is this little tidbit that does not bode well for Gates receiving a groundswell of support:

Press reports say journalists outnumbered potential donors at the Tuesday event, held in a Holiday Inn function room.


hehehe - the size and the venue - dude - just roll over already - you are screwed.


ā€œā€¦the GOPā€™s worries over ā€˜a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midtermsā€™ā€¦ā€

Blue State Republicans will be going bye-bye.

Last time I checked, CA elects 14 ā€“ as many as AL, ID, KY, and WY combined.

NY elects 9 ā€“ as many as MS, WV, AK, ND, and SD combined.

Thatā€™s 23 right there ā€“ from only two Blue States.

Dems need to flip only 24 to take back the House.

There are 13 more in NJ, IL, and MD alone.

Iā€™m too lazy to Googletubeligation it, but how many more are in places like VA, WA, MN, OR, and CO?


Trump is absolutely certain in his delusions; the ones that worry me are those who think heā€™s sane. Now that they have their tax cut, Iā€™m pretty sure he will accomplish nothing for the rest of his term. Of course, they will also continue to stack the federal judiciary with their puppets, at least until next year. November 2018 will come a reckoning, and I canā€™t wait. Letā€™s hope Mueller has some Christmas presents for us all.


Though Kelli Ward (a Bannon backed candidate) is currently leading in AZā€™s GOP polling, she will likely take a ā€˜Lā€™ to Sinema in the general.


Trump: Not worried, GerryMandering, Voter Suppression, SCOTUS, ISIS will all help create a Trump Wave.


Donā€™t worry gop Putin is on the case for you

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FAKE NEWS! The peasants are shedding tears of joy that they can say ā€œMerry Christmasā€ again without fear of being horsewhipped. The magnates are smoking cigars made of $10,000 bills. Putin is sending a 787 full of watersports prostitutes to Mar-a-Diablo. Mueller is days away from arresting Obama. WINNING!!!


if Bannon chooses to back Roy Moore-like candidates that win their primaries.

If? Like the shamed and convicted former fbi agent/congressman/teaparty dude Grimm? The question is how many Bannon fields and how much damage and additional chaos gets thrown into the elections.


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

Louder and more often.



There is that. They are succeeding getting the FBI is corrupt meme circulating that is disturbing on many levels
If we had told you even 5 years ago that Republicans and Faux would be embracing Russians and dissing the FBI we would have said
Tin Foil Hat stuff
Yup thatā€™s where we are
Hopefully it will hold to their 35%


Matt, Matt, Mattā€¦Trumpā€™s razorā€¦Heā€™s likely to feel more cornered/desperate as Meuller tightens the noose. Sooooā€¦Letā€™s hope they can keep sneaking the thorazine into his fishwiches.


Might have worked in the past, but seeing how this country is ā€˜ledā€™ by an infantile, thumb sucking, delinquent; Iā€™ll state again what I said before: yes, a war could break out with either DPRK (bye bye Seoul) or Iran (where we would be the Saudis proxy), but while everyone would be hugging their loved ones n stuff, this is likely the first thought in my head-ā€œwhatā€™s innit for Trump?ā€


Thatā€™s going to be difficult because I think Putin wants to keep the best Trump people for himself.


GOP had better lay off the fucking treason or the bloodbath wonā€™t just be electoralā€¦




ā€˜poorā€™ Dan Donovanā€¦


Minnesota has three: MN-02, 3, and 5. 2 & 3 are true tossup districts and I would be surprised if those Republicans survive 2018. MN-05 is deep red, formerly Michelle Bachmannā€™s district. Not impossible to flip because the district has some purplish suburbs but that would be a shocker.

On the flip side, MN has 3 seats held by Democrats in districts that lean Republican and it seems likely we will hold all of those. In MN-01 Tim Walz is resigning to run for governor and that seat was looking difficult to defend. Not anymore.


If he starts a war he better be prepared to hide somewhere. The American public will kill him. Americans are sick of war - weā€™ve been at war since 2001. Given how very hated the man is, how very distrusted, if he starts a war it will be his skin that gets nailed to a tree.