Obviously, Trump will have to be heavily involved, to save the day.
And if Bannon keeps on lacing his meth with Koolaid, he’ll play a role, too.
Several White House officials told the Post they doubt any major changes will happen at the RNC, but “there is talk of putting more Trump people at the organization or trying to take more control.”
Trump and the Repubs are going to have to crawl across broken glass in 2018.
Yep, that’s what the RNC needs, more direction by, and involvement in, by the Asshole-elect. That’ll sur help things. Sad.
Absolutely mind blowing that they believe the solution to their problems is “More Trump.” (Cowbell!)
Have you ever read biographies of people from the 18th century? I feel like I’ve read more than once where some poor celebrated bastard was dying, and his doctors bleed him, and he doesn’t get better so they bleed him again. There really should have been a revised version of the Hippocratic oath, which would be “first, do no harm, and if you do harm then for Christ’s sake don’t do more harm.” Anyway sure whatever folks, put more Trump people in there, I’m sure that’s the answer.
We can only hope.
All likely causes in Donnie’s pea-brain:
Fake News.
Obama’s Fault.
Fluoridation of Water
Chemtrails. Just how do those partisan liberal snowflakes pull that off?
Please do. Hilarity / Indictments / Blue Wave Drownings will ensue…
Well this will help out that Republican Reputation for sure. 'Murica begins to notice that not every pot has a chicken. Chickens rejoice suggest it is the steer’s fault!
Better headline, GOP beating the bushes to find more pedophile candidates for midterms.
Funny, we don’t even hear words like “Latino outreach” any more.
More evidence of the Dunning-Kruger Effect and authoritarian impulses, yes, but the question remains: are there still enough Americans foolish or reactionary enough to continue voting stupidity and oppression into power.*
*by fools I also mean those who either don’t vote or do so at odds to ‘make a point.’
This is one of the best covers of 2016.
I could understand if the RNC decided to throw cash at Haley Barbour, Jim Nicholson, Jim Gilmore or one of their disciples and then proceeded to tell em to throw ‘dead cats’ all over the joint,because thats their job/what they excel at.
However this notion that more Trump suck-ups (they live to serve Donald) will prevent a karmic reckoning is amazing.
Can we add a little barbed wire and salt?
How 'bout them coal mines?
And this does not even factor in the Bannon component. If Bannon has really soured on Trump it could really compound their losses, especially if Bannon chooses to back Roy Moore-like candidates that win their primaries.