Discussion: Reports: Comey Asked DOJ To Refute Trump's Wiretapping Claims

Here’s something to chew on: if Mike’s daughter is bad for doing her job, what does that make Scarborough and Mika’s involvement in getting 45 elected?


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My father was a career soldier in the U.S. Army. During that time, he served under the Commander-in-Chief, whether my father voted for him, or not.


The truth, you can’t handle the truth.

Easy Comey. Easy Go.

So now Comey has to suffer the karma of getting the Republican government he wanted.

Too bad the rest of the country has to suffer along with him.


David J. Pecker, who is, in fact, a dickhead.


A 19 year old person contemplating a future in the military is not the same as a career military soldier. We all have found ourselves in jobs where we had to grit our teeth and suck it up during a management change, Staying on when the incoming new team is a clan of fools sucks, buy you’re invested and make the best of it. However, that 19 year old can make other choices, and if enough of them bypassed the military, making it known their reservations were with the charlatan we have for a President, maybe such a widespread sentiment would have positive effects. I imagine the Joint Chiefs of Staff complaining recruiting had fell off the cliff for the very identifiable reason Trump was depressing enthusiasm for serving might get Congress more engaged in dealing with the numbskull.

This is going to get ugly. Trump is like a trapped animal–a fat and stupid one, true, but dangerous nonetheless. He’s trying to turn his Watergate into Whitewater. If you forget, the Republican Congress turned an investigation into a failed real estate venture into a wild fishing expedition that ultimately went into the gutter–Clinton lied about a blowjob. And today, Trump is trying to force an investigation into him into becoming another fishing trip to the gutter with Obama and by extension the Clintons. I have no doubt Trump is capable of that. We’ve seen time and again that it’s his nature. He fights dirty. The question is, will Congress go along? It’d be a great way for them to distract from the fact they haven’t done squat, but do they have the stomach for following Hair Furor off the cliff?


Story Updated to Include Session’s Response: “Can I show you to your room?”

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We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Too bad about the line of succession, though. On that matter, we’re all face down on the storm drain. It’s a long way down to Rick Perry. :black_joker:


And a dismayingly short way down to Mike Dense or Lyin’ Ryan.


Well if they did it didn’t seem to help with the election outcome, unless Obama had a plot to destroy America by helping Donald win!

Trump is on course to undo an entire generation of policy, law, regulations, the Judiciary, taxes, civil rights, voting statutes and almost anything else you care to name passed by a Democrat Congress or instituted by a Democrat President. Wall Street, the military industrial complex, the moneyed donor class, the religious right, anti-intellectuals, polluters et al all view and need Trump as their useful idiot for as long as they can milk him. Sure, canning Trump somehow leaves Pence to do essentially the same things, but the disruption caused by Trump’s impeachment or resignation just might scotch Pence’s ability to unwind as much stuff as Trump is poised to pull off.
Trump is the crazy rich uncle paying ALL your bills AND molesting your girlfriend. What do you do?


Sarah Huckabee Sanders has had one wild weekend, too bad she’s too insufferable to actually care about. Comey can kiss Trump’s ass, no one at the WH is having it from FBI or DOJ anymore.

As of Monday AM Trump is on an island preparing for war. He’s decided that a Devin Nunes probe is the only way to go forward from here. SHS was on with George Stephanolpolous and she spit in Comey’s face. 5 minute video from the morning show.


AND has the protection of the Secret Service.

Which, by the way, has been rather quiet lately.

Several generations.

Trump-Bannon-Putin-Republicans don’t just plan to undo the legacies of the Obama and Clinton administrations. They are going after pretty much all of the US-led Depression-era and post-WWII domestic and global order, plus the Teddy Roosevelt and later anti-trust regime.

They really want to take us back to the Gilded Age’s Great Game politics, and possibly even further back to the pre-Civil War days.


In Comey’s mind, it wasn’t that he wanted a Trump administration. Its that he could not abide the idea of another Clinton in the White House. But most importantly, Comey was covering his ass. Because its what he does, always.

Comey’s concern with this particular incident is, Trump is essentially saying the FBI ILLEGALLY carried out wiretaps on him. Its the FBI illegally part that has Comey concerned and why he wants this on the record from the DoJ.

Every major news story that has Comey in it, you can always trace his behavior back to how it covers his ass. Because that is always his prime motivation.


Here’s what may happen. Comey and the DOJ issue some weasely statement that a definitive rebuttal of Trump’s allegations will have to wait until some sort of internal review of past actions by various law enforcement and intelligence agencies is conducted. It’ll be portrayed as a measured pause (in labeling Trump a liar).


Trump is the crazy rich uncle paying ALL your bills AND molesting your girlfriend. What do you do?

If you’re a Republican, you invite your Republican friends over to watch him molest your girlfriend. If she’s under 18, you invite the Duck Commander creeps over, too. If she’s under 14, you invite the Duggars and all their Christianist friends over. And then when it’s all over, you all get on your knees and praise Jesus and talk about those evil librul Democrats who hate family values.


Bingo. That’s what it was with Clinton and that’s what it is now.

And to be fair to Comey, he sent a poorly worded letter to the Congress on extremely questionable motives. He did not print those “FBI re-opens investigation” headlines. That was the Congressional GOPers taking his letter, pretending that it said something it didn’t, and bamboozling stupid journos with it.

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