Discussion: Reports: Comey Asked DOJ To Refute Trump's Wiretapping Claims

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I’m sorry, but AG Sessions is too busy impersonating a lawn jockey at Mar-A-Lago to respond immediately.


Good that he is doing this and maybe it will even help — but I will never forgive him for acting unethically and throwing Hillary to the sharks last fall.


Just watched them explain this on TV morning news.

Trump looks the fool, Bigley.


Comey, Clapper, and Obama spox all refute Trump’s wiretap tweets. Is the president in touch with reality at all?


Good recap, if you need one.


The Law and Order Emperor has already replied, via a mouthpiece:


Obama is in DJT’s head. Look for wild Trump claims about “Stuff I’ve found out about Obama now that I can look behind the curtain of secrecy,” “If only you could see what I see,” etc.


Another day of “As The World Trurns” I think this time in our lives will the closes that we live a real live soap opera.Unreal.
No telling what the headline will be when I finish making the donuts today.


At least Richard Nixon was Sane !


We’re laughing right now, but we won’t be laughing when this paranoid lunatic uses one of his fantasies as the basis to send our young men and women off to war.


What fucking bullshit—did Comey ask for the DOJ or Obama’s permission to have his press conference about Hillary’s emails? Did he ask for their permission to issue his statement about all those horrible emails that may or may not mean squat on Weiner’s laptop? So why now all of a sudden is he prevented from doing now what he did then? Get up in front of the goddamn cameras and microphones and tell the media yourself, asshole.

He’s still a duplicitous, hypocritically partisan Republican weasel and always will be.


Comey’s contempt for Clinton put his inner Eagle Scout on hold. He’s stumbled onto his old virtue again now that The Evil One WHo is Hated For No Real Good Reason and her husband are no longer in the running, he’s doing soul-damage-control.

Re-upping his inner patriot? The Clinton-hater in him can take a back seat again?

This always happens when some perfect-boy Eagle Scout gets mixed up with some really creepy characters for some nefarioous reason… occasionally, the Eagle Scout revolts from the revolting behavior.

Sometimes they can save the day, sometimes its just too late.

There’s no badge for deception.



Morning Joke had a clip of Sarah Huckabee White House spokesmen this am with Martha Raddich, trying to explain that it could be true.
Joe said you could also accuse Obama of helping OJ Simpson murder his wife but that doesn’t make it true.
Mika then asked How does she sleep at night? You won’t be able to get a job after lying for Trump she told her
I thought Nixon was unhinged but…
This is just fucking nuts


Trump has just solidified conventional wisdom - outside of the die-hard supporters - of what has been in clear view to opponents: He relies on politicized/hyperbolic/news sites that often carry stories that are fabricated, over the intelligence community. He eschews the Intel briefings, but greedily consumes conspiracy theories that make him or his points make sense (because they were fabricated to do just that) and then ACTS on the crazy.

Why is this important? Because many hold-the-nose voters, and third party voters - can follow this story. Oh, and the head of the cray cray news source that Trump prefers to the IC, chief advisor to President cray cray.

This clusterf*ck is one that will likely explode on Trump, one that he created, and one he will repeat - even if not quite to this degree - over and over again. Because he can not admit a mistake which means he can’t see the mistakes and adjust his behavior accordingly.


Saw this comment about how the scandals are affecting the Trump White House: “It’s like being nibbled to death by ducks”.
GoET-worthy text.


lol - and the odd thing - is these are self-inflected. Following that analogy - it is almost as if they covering themselves in peanut butter so the bread crumbs stick in order to lure the ducks to nibble them?


Wed. morning he was “finally presidential.” Sat. am back to what passes for normal in today’s GOP. Hoo Boy!


all these years, thats the first time I’ve seen that… got a real early chuckle from that one. Still can’t watch this guy, the Republican Lie spews from his lips perpetualy. Sorry, had to vent.


Things are starting to get very hot for Putin’s puppets, so Comey scrambles to switch sides.