Discussion: Reports: Clinton Tells Donors Comey Letter Contributed To Her Loss

Sounds accurate to me.


Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence but every time I look at what Comey did and how he did it, I still can’t help but wonder.


I don’t care whether it was malice or incompetence. The result was the same. Why the hell hasn’t he lost his job yet? If I acted that maliciously or incompetently - it doesn’t matter which - in my job, I would be digging deeply into the classified ads now.


What kind of analysis was done? I’m guessing it was a bunch of navel gazing.


This is certainly plausible, but it seems to me Clinton’s team gravely misread the electorate and their internal polling appears to have been off.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think they fully expected to win some or many of the battleground states…despite Comey’s letters and his unforgettable incompetence.


“But our analysis is that (FBI Director James B.) Comey’s letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum."

Hey, donors: our analysis found that we did nothing wrong.


Was never a Bernie fan. I think he would have been a disaster as a candidate, but the lack of self-awareness and introspection is jaw dropping and doesn’t bode well for the party.


A lot of things contributed. Comey’s letter, sure. Also having her emails on a private server, and when that came out not admitting immediately that it was a damn fool thing to do and declaring that she would not make a mistake like that again. And giving speeches to investment bankers for more money than many voters will make in their lives, then keeping the transcripts secret. And being a woman. And running to continue President Obama’s legacy at a time when many Americans were tired of his policies. And the Republicans’ shameless lying. And Donald Trumps incapacity to tell truth from lies. And the Democratic Party’s decision, a couple of decades ago, to get into bed with corporate interests. And her husband’s behavior in the '80s and '90s. It all contributed.


He has a 10 year term, by law. Short of being impeached by Congress, he can’t be forced out. Except that he could be by relentless adverse attention. Which he may well get. But he can’t be just fired.

Comeys letter bad. It will depress vote and drive support for Trump. He needs to clear up this mess.
Comeys letter clearing up this mess was bad. It drove Trump supporters to the polls.


Funniest thing you’ve ever posted.

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I thought the 10-year term was a maximum rather than a set term? Bill Clinton fired an FBI director (Sessions, I think?), so it doesn’t seem to be impossible.

If anyone has some facts that will clear this up for me, I’d welcome them.

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I agree that the campaign misread the electorate. They took the Blue Wall for granted, and it collapsed. They took minority support for granted (I’ve read some stuff on this site today about non-existent minority outreach) and the support never showed up. I agree that the campaign bears quite a lot of responsibility for the loss. Nevertheless, Comey’s letter undoubtedly served its intended purpose.


Yeah, you can’t really have it both ways, can you?

Completely agree with everything you stated.

I felt for Al Gore in 2000, mostly because he actually won the election and was robbed. While I feel sorry to a degree for Secretary Clinton, I feel much worse for the country.


This is on you and Bill Mrs.Clinton, 'cause you two gotta do things your way.

And we have to deal with the consequences.

So now just go away. And STFU.



He can be fired by the president for cause.


This is it. As with election 2000, where you can ascribe several things to the “loss” - the idiot who designed the butterfly ballot, Nader, Lieberman - there are many moving parts here. But assuming Michigan was safe until the last week, and not even seeing the collapse in WI coming - those are bewildering errors. Oh, and not having a simple, coherent message other than “look how deplorable the other guy is” and “go to Hillaryclinton.com.” If HRC and the DNC had understood the dynamics of this election, Comey would have had the effect of a fart in a hurricane.


When you lose by a handful of votes in three key states though win the PV by half a million or more, you could point at any of 20 reasons why you lost. Most voters turns out decided prior to September per one poll, so hard to say which one thing played biggest role.

No doubt the FBI should just rename itself KGB, because its credibility is about the same.