Which is why I find it particularly hard to believe they’d protect PP.
Theme song for the day?
Awfully close to the equinox for that trick to work very well.
To the original topic: people need to keep two things in mind: 1) the charge was to investigate Russian interference in the election, not take Trump down, 2) not everything that is awful or unacceptable is illegal.
I see what you mean. Kind of the last gasp of the Old-school GOP vs Drumpf.
From David Frum’s Twitter:
A truck of TVs is hijacked.
Your son meets with the hijackers.
Your campaign manager shares route information with them.
You are recorded on video saying, “I love truck hijacking.”
The TVs are in your house.
Happy No Collusion Day.
Maybe how they talk to a cult is not an indicator of how much legal liability they’re willing to risk in a sensitive matter like this. Show me evidence that argues Barr is willing to suppress this information and take the heat for it, if you have any. I’m aware of what’s happened to the GOP.
So cool, that. Thx.
Given that the very few Repuplican elected and appointed officials who have had issues with Trump have left office rather than openly oppose him, given that all the rest who remain in their offices are bootlicking Trumpublicans, and given that Barr’s background, including how he came to be appointed to his current position, indicates he won’t buck Trump, I’d say betting on Barr doing the right thing, meaning being fully and honestly transparent or resigning, is a bad bet.
I honestly think anyone who thinks Robert Fucking Mueller is part of some elaborate conspiracy to protect PP because Republican voter registration is as batshit as the people waiting on Q to reveal the vast Deep State conspiracy.
Damn near in the Arctic circle as it is, but hell I live in TX.
Yea I do not think it will be much, but we can hope.
A summary will do for a starter, but the whole report, minus stuff that would harm national security, the IC, and the like should be released soon. Even the summary is likely to raise some clamoring for more.
I can’t even when I read things like that. B-b-b-b-b-b-ut he’s a Republican! Like it’s the same as being a vampire himself oh no. You don’t acquire a reputation like his over a lifetime and it was all wrong and you’re actually a weasel. That just doesn’t happen.
Hope you are right. Do you see Lindsey, Cornyn, etc speaking up? No, they aren’t directly involved but they are Hypocrisy 101.
Several actually and they all went on to either not seek reelection or get defeated. Neither Barr nor Mueller have that concern.
I’m talking about the report, not 2020.
Fwiw, im not a part of that idiocy.