Discussion: Reports: Barr Expected To Deliver Mueller Report Summary On Sunday

Letting myself hope that’s the correct read. The W crew seems like a bunch of Boy Scouts compared to the current incompetent crooks.


Fuck yes!


They may well be. And I don’t care how base their motives are in this case, Republican voices calling for full release needs to be a thing.

Their position in society depends on being elected in a primary by an increasingly radicalized base. That’s not analogous to Barr at all. His position in society might just depend on having a reputation that survives the Trump administration. I’m willing to bet a gross failure to discharge his duties in a conscientious way in this or any other matter could really come back to bite him. Those games only work when the fix is in, and that changed some months back.


What I can never wrap my head around is this notion that the report will NEVER get out if Barr doesn’t release it immediately in it’s entirety. Sure, I get why Democratic lawmakers are repeating it. I just don’t understand why folks are believing it. When it lands in the hands of Congress, it’s coming out. When we get a new president, it’s coming out. No matter what, it’s coming out. Shit, when Mueller is called before Congress it’ll come out. Barr must know that. He must know that any attempt to hide it will only be temporarily successful and probably be incredibly perilous in the long run. He could find himself in the hot seat under the next administration. So, what’s his supposed motivation? Because PP’s a Republican and he is too? Sorry, I’m gonna need more than that.



And when your hands get dirty
Nobody knows you at all,
Ain’t got no window to slip out of
Lights off, nobody home…


To heck with society at large. His wife’s BFF relationship with Mueller’s wife is at stake here.

No way the dude is trying to get kicked to the couch for ruining a decades’ long friendship.


On tbe other hand Cruz says to release the whole report, but he has 6 years before he is up for re-election.


Yes! There are a lot of current GOPers who can see going to the mat for PP because they may someday want to run again or because they’re looking to get kicked up office. That makes sense, but Barr? He’s already been AG during an administration that he could be, as a Republican, pretty proud to be part of. Why would he blow it all up for PP?


The norm-breaking, criminal-prone, mob boss Trump has got people believing that he can subvert Democracy.

He can if we all collapse, hand-wring, and doom-and-gloom…

Sure, man…

Not on my agenda.


Or the first shot in their move to retake control - could get interesting…


I think what’s likeliest (pure hunches, like driving all day on E) is that he’s just trying to soften the blow a little. If it’s really bad for Trump, and how can it not be, there’s going to be a firestorm of coverage and calls for impeachment. Everyone’s holding their breath on this. If Barr can keep the really lurid details off the headlines for another day or two or three everyone will be able to kind of get their sea legs with this. But yeah, it’s all coming out. And Barr knows that. They’re probably arguing themselves blue with Trump not to try any executive privilege B.S. because it’ll just look terrible.


I seriously wonder if any of the capital E Establishment consider the president anything other than a temporarily useful idiot. I feel like he’s spent a lifetime trying to gain the respect of everyone who’s more important or richer than he is, and has in fact only gained the respect of people who are neither. But a whole lot of establishment Repubs are kissing the ring these days, so who knows?


Oh, I know. Don’t get me wrong. I know you are just spit-ballin.

To be fair, Lindsey might just be as compromised as PP himself and Cornyn’s in a corner praying Beto wins the primary so he doesn’t have to run against him.


I’d expect that the full report will have a bunch of things which Russia would love to know about our intel-gathering, possible clues to human or electronic sources there that they haven’t uncovered.

That’s the concerning thing, since this all does go back to Russia anyway, and if there are on-going operations and agents we have there, don’t want them to be put at risk, nor give Russia the chance to plug more leaks.

They’ve already cleaned house to the tune of around 14 people (I think was the last count) connected to this.


Don Jr. did testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee though, and if he lied to Congress that’s a crime.

The reason I’m getting hung up over “no indictments” isn’t just disappointment on not being charged, but that DOJ policy (according to Barr) is that un-indicted people can’t be named in a report. The “un-indicted co-conspirator #n” can be decoded, but it will make the report mushy, weak, too easy to spin.

I want to see names, dammit. The American public needs this whole story laid out clearly, indictments or not.


The Man Is Mentally Ill.

THAT is an item.


That was specifically the one I was shocked about on the announcement of ‘no indictments’.

Since Cohen went down for lying, there’s zero reason for Jr. to not go down for the same.

So there’s more to the story… waiting…waiting…waiting…


For that matter, even “Rudy says I’m exonerated” Donald can’t shut up.

30-45 minutes to liftoff according to MSNBC

per Julia Ainsley at DOJ