Well, this should accelerate the implosion…
Well, when you have a winning hand… lol
I originally read the headline as “unanimously rejected” and thought, What? The NRA Board had a moment of lucidity?
Thankfully they didn’t and Whiplash LaPierre can continue setting those charges and digging that hole. Of course, that’s going to require Wayne gets a new wardrobe.
Cold, dead hand, large and in charge!
Add gunz, Wayne. That solves everything.
Would dearly love to se the NRA implode, but no way will that happen. LaPierre has a hammerlock on gun nuts and trump voters, and trump voters have a lock on the GOP. Any investigation will be denounced as partisan, and will be used as a tool for fundraising. LaPIerre is a very evil man, but evil only loses in the movies
They could still implode for financial reasons. Hair furor has actually been bad for membership revenue. They desperately need kamala harris to at least win the nomination.
WTF? The followers are as stupid as the head? I am old enough to remember when being a member of the NRA meant something…but not for many many years.
LaPierre is likely responsible for all the stuff that has been coming down on the NRA. Oliver North wasn’t in charge long enough to have done this much illegal crap, although he probably would have, given enough time. New boss, just like the old boss (the same boss).
Hey, anyone who can keep the NRA alive while they aided the murder of two dozen first graders obviously has some talents.
Please pull the NRA’s plug NYAG!
Take them off life support and let them evaporate in never never land!
If they did something that results in them losing their tax exempt status, can they be held liable for taxes going back to the date of the offense? I hope so.
So is the board more or less selected by the people they just re-elected? Many non-profit boards are pretty insider, with not a lot of competition for seats.
“National Rifle Association figurehead Wayne LaPierre”
He’s no figurehead. He was handpicked by the gun manufacturing lobby to turn the NRA into a gun sales promotion organization and a shield against gun control & manufacturer accountability – which he has done admirably by aligning with the GOP ammosexuals.
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
- NRA Board’s Executive Committee
Bright side: We may have finally seen the last of Lt. Col. Oliver North (Ret., Dishonorable)
He’d be the perfect Russian liason for the Trump 2020 campaign.
Rotten to the core.
An aging class of clueless and cold-hearted people on their way out.