There are two tax-exempt statuses in play: the one for the NRA itself, which doesn’t have to pay taxes on income; and the one for all of its associated foundations and trusts and enterprises, where giving them money gives you a tax deduction. The latter may be a bigger deal, because playing fast and loose with those rules can lead to charges of tax evasion for you and your contributors.
unanimously reelected
or lost the game of hot potato.
Eric Prince begs to differ.
Bazooka’s at 10 paces…
Wayne LaPierre, aka The Turd That Pops Back… Or Won’t Flush
George Carlin on Wayne LaPierre:
“And I’m not against guns; I’m not one of these mindless Hollywood cocksuckers. I’m not against guns, I’m not against bullets, I’m not even against people shooting each other. Hell, shooting someone is part of the American Dream! I don’t care who it is - parents, teachers, kids, fuck ‘em, let 'em get shot. It doesn’t bother me. But speaking of mindless Hollywood cocksuckers, before Charlton Heston became president of these dickless lunatics in the NRA, they had a different guy. He’s still one of their major spokesmen, his name is Wayne Lapierre. What kind of name for a gun nut is Wayne Lapierre? Doesn’t that sound a little fruity to you? 'Hi, my name’s Wayne, I’m a gun person. Bang bang!’
Oh please. He’ll be riding the Wingnut Welfare Gravy Train until the someone finally puts a stake in his heart.
Blocked, Mocked, and ready to Shock
Just Lord LaPierre purging the NRA of disloyalists. We can’t have any challenge to His Majesties hun empire.
Not Relevant Anymore
battle on till the end
I’m good with either result, so long as they are all hanged.
It isn’t clear from the article. Was anyone else seeking the office? (I would still have preferred those non-existent opponents.)
And the grift goes on…
I’d pay for that!
I do try to be optimistic.
Me too!
They should be ordered to repay it all back!
Wayne LaPierre Unanimously Reelected By NRA Board Amid Upheaval
America weeps.