Discussion: Report: Trump's Dad Was Arrested After 1927 Ku Klux Klan Brawl With NYPD

Discussion for article #240287

Aw, who cares? Donald has enough baggage of his own to fill a boxcar. We do not need to drag in the foibles of ancestors.


Whatever. Let’s focus on Trump Jr. not Trump Sr. He is execrable enough.


Guess the acorn didn’t fall far from that tree…


1927??? FFS. This will clearly be the thing that derails the campaign.

No. No it won’t.

And focusing on something his father did 88 years ago is going to make the media look like scum.

Edited for grammar.


This revelation will not disappoint his supporters – it will encourage them.


Pretty much what I was thinking. Although, I also think it’s grossly unfair to try to tar someone with the sins of their father, sins committed before he was even a dirty thought or a “can I buy you a drink”. There’s plenty, plenty out there about Trump’s own behavior, particularly concerning issues with race and housing. No need to dredge up his daddy’s mess.


He’s obviously a joke but…so what?

Interesting, but I’m holding out for Fritz Kuhn and the Bund in the late Thirties.

As TPM has reported, many self-styled white nationalists have voiced their support in recents weeks for Donald Trump, particularly his hardline immigration platform. Their support does not make Trump himself a white supremacist.

Of course not. His own rhetoric does.


Interesting breakdown over at RCP of just who Trump supporters are.

“In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less
educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half
are women. About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another
34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30.

One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to
19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over a
third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year, while 11
percent earn over $100,000 per year. Definitely not country club
Republicans, but not terribly unusual either.”

So ~84% of Trumpettes are 45 or older, with 34% of those over 65. In other words, angry, scared old white people.


Sins of the Fathers?
This is the kind of “hit piece” I expect to see from “The New York Post” not on TPM.
Lets not lump in something that happened in 1927 with what is going on right now.
There are plenty of things to attack “The Donald” about that have nothing to do with his family.
Judge him for who HE is and what HE says and does. Not for what his Father did 88 years ago!


A situation in which the post referred to above is more important and useful than the story about which it is meant to comment.

One thing that IS useful about the story, however, is bringing once again to the forefront the phenomenon of Anglicizing surnames. In many cases this occurred for practical purposes. But sometimes it was because those doing it were aware that “native American” meant more Anglo-Saxon, more W.A.S.P.-ish.

For that reason, when I am not posting here, I have always used a different Anglo-Saxon surname to describe myself every week.

This week it’s Thatcher.


oh please… if prescott bush’s financing of the rise of hitler didn’t matter, a tenuous connection to the kkk by a trump sure as hell shouldn’t either.


It kinda makes a difference in how one is raised…Look at Ted Cruz…Imagine all the beatings it took for Teddy get to be so, ummm…ugly…If Donald was raised as a bigot, well, it is showing…so, the sins of the father is one thing, but his upbringing is another…where is Mom in all this?

He’s already locked up the KKK/White Supremacist endorsement.

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Yeah but it makes total sense and it’s information that I didn’t know. Trump was a reliable Democrat until the black guy got in the White House. Then he flipped his lid.


What is the point of this? Trump has enough baggage of his own. My parents had bigoted views about people who they perceived to be different from them. It didn’t affect me negatively. If anything, it helped me to NOT be a bigot.

And Trump’s crazed inability to accept that a black man won the White House shows us how he thinks – and surely his daddy had a lot to do with shaping his worldview. So while I don’t necessarily blame a person for their father’s actions, I do think Trump is indeed his father’s son – and so this story has some relevance, purely as background and insight into his behavior. He has clearly shown he is more than willing to play upon racial prejudice to further his goals.


ALL the southern states were “Reliable Democrats” until Pres. Johnson got the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965. Even at the time he stated: “Democrats just lost the entire south for three generations”.