Discussion: Report: Trump's Companies Hired More Than 1,000 Foreign Workers

Discussion for article #238987

My, my, my

If cheap U. S. employers didn’t demand low-wage workers low-wage workers, the supply of “illegals” would decline


How many of these low wage workers are “undocumented”? Does The Donald even care?
When spending his own money he’s cheap. Not so with money from others I hear.

Has Trump got something against hiring Americans?


Probably MOST of the housekeeping staff at any Trump resort or casino.


Do as I say, not as I do.

It is so awesome that amongst a crowd of GOP candidates bought and paid for by hypocritical, bigoted, narrow-minded, greedy right-wing billionaires, there is also a GOP candidate who is himself a hypocritical, bigoted, narrow-minded, greedy right-wing billionaire, and a loudmouth to boot. Why settle for one of their shills when you can have the real McCoy?


Second picture on TPM with Trump wearing a hat. Think maybe all those jokes about his hair are getting to him?

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Because Americans can’t cook, clean, serve, mow and maintain I guess? Or maybe because all of the Americans have jobs because of the Kenyan President so no Americans are available?

Trump of the real world will catch up to Trump of the fantasy-I’m so great, political world and the clash will be unstupendous.


As long as cheap labor that cannot complain about working conditions is available, people like Trump will hire them. Why settle for $200 profit on a hotel room when you could make $200.50.


Many of the undocumented workers in the US are people who came here legally on a visa of one type or another and then over-stayed their visas. I wonder how many of Trump’s H2-B visa workers overstayed their visas to become the dreaded “illegals” Trump and his ilk like to demonize. That would be quite an interesting number.


When an employer seeks an employee with an H2-B visa, it’s never because there was no qualified American, it’s because there was no qualified American who would work for next to nothing.


Trump hair blowin’ in the wind. You will never again see him without a hat when he’s outdoors particularly on an airport tarmac.


You cite the absolute fact of matter, but it’s also a fact that nobody else wants those jobs because so much physical labor is involved. Those Mexican workers and other Latinos work their asses off on construction projects, landscaping, etc.


Quite true.


Doesn’t matter…he tells it like it is.
He’s one of us.

Those are his own hats (“Make America Great Again”), he’s promoting them as well as keeping his hair down.

Hey , he told us Hispanics love him…at least 1100 of them anyway…

I don’t know for sure, but bringing in Mexicans to do the scut work seems racist to me.

No. Nobody wants these jobs because the pay is not commensurate with the work, and the pay is low because the employer can find an illegal to do the job. I’m fed up with this lie that illegals do the jobs Americans won’t. Illegals make them bad jobs by providing a surplus of cheap labor that keeps the wages low.


Trump Management Group LLC have also sought to bring in nearly 250 foreign fashion models

So the man likes models who can’t speak or barely understand English servicing his vast, billionaire modeling needs…interesting.


Illegals do the jobs Americans will not. Like the agricultural jobs featured on some documentaries which did not sit well with “American” workers

Illegals make them LOW-PAYING jobs by providing cheap labour…that is why you used the term “cheap labour”. Desperation is quite an incentive.

Lost within all of this is the non-union catechism which is the Religion of the United States of America starting with Saint Reagan.

Dahrendorf identified labour organizations (read: Unions) as pivotal in improvement of workers’ lives, years ago.

But unions are declining, especially in the United States…

  • Unions had one third of non-farm workers by 1950
  • By 1970, union rolls peaked at 25,000,000
  • Since then, membership has declined to 12% of non-farm workers
  • 36% of government workers are members of unions
  • 8% of private sector workers are unionized

The last statistics are probably out of date, but still offer clues as to Scott Walker’s objectives.

Worldwide…Unions have a much smaller portion of workers in the U.S, than other developed countries (surprise, anyone?)

  • approx 20% in Japan
  • approx 20-40% in most of Europe (with a high of 70%+ in Sweden)
  • approx 28% in Canada

The “culprits”? Service jobs, globalization, foreign workers, etc. But these three factors affect the above countries as well. I believe that unions made some mistakes, and the Oligarchs (with a smooth communicator in Reagan and a bunch of other messaging tools) convinced most people that unions (which were formed as a deterrent to worker exploitation) are useless (an opinion, apparently, not shared by highly-paid U.S. Pro athletes)