Interesting that he met with David and not Charles. David is the one that lives in NYC (probably couldn’t wait to get out of KS and doesn’t go back often) and is a patron of the arts. That is, when he’s not destroying the American worker.
No doubt their conversation consisted of Koch telling Rump what he wanted and when he wanted it
I’m sure they got together to discuss how they can help the regular folks in the country. snark off
The ultimate old money vs no money showdown.
All hat, no cattle too!
Disgraceful! Where are you, NYT? Where are you? Not enough reporters in the Entertainment or Travel Section to reassign? Or have they all been detailed to the Perennial Harassment of HRC Division?
I imagine afterward Trump will play darts with a picture of Koch’s face, fuming at how he had to debase himself by talking to someone way richer than he is.
Maybe this was a substitute for the coffee date with Ivanka - but she probably knows more about the arts and its patrons than does the dictator elect…
I truly believe Rump is being used as a useful idiot by all players in the game: Putin, Carlos Slim, Kochs, etc. He’s just a moron whose in a position to make their dreams come true and/or lessen whatever damage may be coming their way. As you said, it probably does chafe at him that he has to put up with true billionaires giving demands all the while the liberal entertainment community (who he really values) can’t stand him for one moment. And is more than willing to show it.
And why aren’t we talking about the FBI legal garbage search warrant today?
Poor poor working class. You were soo foolish to vote for the Shitgibbon/
Not sure that’s fair—Trump has more than once ditched the pool reporters who have a long-understoood agreement that they’re always there in case there’s an incident. A meeting like this, they’re not going to announce or talk about it, and if the particular sources you’ve developed didn’t know or weren’t there or can’t talk for fear of being suspected, that’s that. You can’t just assign reporters to follow people into rooms and listen to every private conversation they have, or hang out at the gate of Mar-a-Lago and watch who goes in and out.
That’s the other thing, he’s not gonna be anywhere near celebrities as much anymore. Instead he has to associate with lawmakers, politicians, community leaders, the kind of people who bore him to tears. I really don’t see how he makes it through four years before throwing in the towel
Guy who says he’s a billionaire meets with a guy who can prove he is.
“Look, Maureen Dowd! Another Dump From Wikileaks!”
“I’m on it. Oh, how I love slamming Hillary!”
“Billionaires he blamed for selling out working-class voters.”
Bertrand Russell:
“Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.”
He’ll be pres for two years and the give it to his children to run.
“We don’t care as long as Trump puts them colored people and queers back in their place!”
“We’re buiding a new pipeline to Mordor, Don. You down with that?”
Awesome! I hope he gets a tax break, so he can trickle his pee onto the lower classes as he stuffs his profits off-shore somewhere. That’s how America works now.