Discussion: Report: Trump Meets With Billionaire Donor David Koch At Mar-A-Lago

Birds (or hypocrites) of a feather…


Trump likes all billionaires, period.


Donor class = HaveMost class.


Still pissed off Matt. Not feeling very magnanimous right now. But basically, the press, including NYT appears to have few, if any insights into Trump Transition doings. Reduced to little more than repeating his tweets and reporting on mustache-phobia.

Edit. And so much ink was spilt on HRC’s “opacity” and lack of press conferences.


So Make America Great Again =s a Supply side economy ran by billionaires…



Americans never learn, how tragic.

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No he doesn’t, because they’re way more wealthy than he’ll ever be and a lot of them didn’t have to rely on Daddy to do it. He hates having to admit he’s second fiddle to a lot of people.

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Bounty towel delivery?

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You probably know that there is such a thing as the David H. Koch Theatre at Lincoln Center, where most of the best and most prestigious dance is performed. Could orange be thinking of fast tracking Barron into a career on his feet?


Saddam Hussein’s daughter praises Trump.

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Once again Drumpf folds in a face-to-face meeting with someone he only dissed with plenty of room between them.


From Jeffrey Toobin at the New Yorker. Hate to see you join forces with trump in hating the press.

On the campaign trail, Trump turned contempt for the media into a central part of his quest for the Presidency. At rallies, he used the people inside the penned press enclosures as foils and targets. Pointing to the journalists, Trump would call them “disgusting reporters,” “horrible people,” and “scum.

As President-elect, he has used his platform and his Twitter feed to tap a deep reservoir of cultural resentment against, among others, flag burners, the cast of “Hamilton,” and the staff of the Times.



Trump shaming?

I don’t hate the press. I and others want them to do their jobs and not worry about how the Annual Correspondent’s Dinner will turn out under Trump. Yes, a real concern right now. To quote Charlie Pearce, " Who the fuck cares?"


Here’s some reporting on the president of the United States, which I much prefer instead of more and more reporting on the illegitimate, ill equipped thing ready to take his place. The president will act to stop orange from registering people coming in from countries with terrorist activity.

You’re too brilliant to be shamed, but perhaps you could direct your fire at the Washington Post where the meetup was first covered and then given to us to comment on as many times as possible.


The Koch Bros. inherited EVERY dime from daddy as well. Like Trump, they ain’t “self-made” shit!

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I know, I know. But I think it might actually rebellious, subversive thing to be magnanimous or at least understanding with people who aren’t always and entirely awful. Please don’t forget this was a historically opaque candidacy and promises to continue as an administration. It’s actively hostile to the idea of press freedom. I’ve said to other folks I was looking forward to talking with people, once we all relaxed after Hillary won, about what the media can and cannot accomplish, what they see as their role, versus what a person engaged in progressive politics might wish. This is in an ideal world, when they get it mostly right and avoid the pitfalls we’ve seen so much of in this most recent cycle and others past. I won’t defend the media where that’s not reasonable. But you can’t assign a reporter to somehow cover the secret meetings of reclusive and conspiratorial rich dudes. I’d actually meekly suggest we be glad the WaPo person cultivated sources that enabled us to read this story. Stuff like this might save the republic some day. Just sayin’.


O.k., O.k. Geez, you and Blue are like Mrs. Von Holst. You’re not going to let me seethe without pointing out that I’m too busy seething to be completely rational. O.k. I give up. Breathe.


LOL. Just sayin’ pick your target and squeeze the trigger. That’s the way to make the bad guys fall down and stay down. Tell you something else—wait till things start getting trickier and trickier for the administration, with Trump making everyone nuts*—the media will have a field day. And a Deep Throat will come forward in due course. Hold me to this—if nothing like it has happened in six months or a year I’ll contribute to a charity you like or something.

  • Just read somewhere he shook up his inauguration planning staff because they couldn’t come up with a big-name entertainer, nobody wants to be anywhere near it. You know Trump likes to blame others for his own deficiencies.

and who probably have a 50% higher IQ.

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Donald Trump, proud plutocrat.

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