Discussion: Report: Trump Hotels CEO Pledges Huge U.S. Expansion

hip my ass

Pace yourself. There will be more foul acts and wreckage done, probably a great deal of both, before corrective forces can assert themselves.

We are part of the corrective force, but we have to accept that Trumpp and the GOP are, more or less legally, in a position where they have almost unfettered ability to make and change legislation, regulation, and budgets.

Voters put Trumpp and the GOP where they are, and it is voters that can do the most to stop or reverse what is underway. That won’t happen quickly.

We have to understand what is possible today, and judge progress based on appropriate timelines.

I think we are off to a great start on some early goals:
– come together
– foster a rebellious spirit
– demonstrate that we have no respect for Trumpp, that we know he is incompetent, and that we will not roll over like pups dominated by an alpha dog

Longer term, I see projects such as:
– fight to stop/ameliorate what Trumpp and the GOP are doing
– define what we would try to do in their place
– recruit voters to that vision

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They were talking about the VA this morning and how they are short an immense number of employees…I feel like it was over 40K…does that sound right?..It was a shocking number of people.
But currently w/ gov’t hiring freeze they aren’t supposed to hire anyone.
So your friends may run into some trouble getting healthcare.

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I read that a lot, and I have no doubt that they want to drop him as soon as they get their priority legislation signed, but Trumpp won’t make that easy. He is a blustering ignoramus, but he has cunning and ruthlessness and great instinct for finding leverage over others. He has a mailing list of devoted (for now) supporters, and he has primed those supporters with the message that the GOP elites are the enemy. How hard would if be for him to fire a warning shot in the form of angry mobs appearing at the townhalls of a select few US Representatives during a Congressional break?

Edited to add: part of our job is to keep Trumpp and the GOP tied together, so anger at one is anger at all.

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I might stay in one of these gaudy hotels if I got the room for nothing.

That’s not really breaking news. This electrical contractor was one of two contractors who filed liens against the hotel over a month ago. The second lien was much smaller, around $70,000 IIRC.

If their expansion plans are real, and not just marketing bullshit, this could get interesting. Everyone has heard of the foreign Emoluments Clause; there is a separate law prohibiting the President from receiving emoluments from domestic units of government, e.g.: state legislatures, city councils, etc.

Any tax break, variance, etc. granted for construction of a Trump-owned hotel is potentially a prohibited domestic emolument. The kicker is that while Congress can grant consent to a foreign emolument there is no such provision for domestic ones.

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I thought it was breaking

By Josh Gerstein

01/25/17 12:11 PM EST

There are a lot more of these stories. That’s for sure, so it’s not “news” news that Trump stiffs his workers. Allegedly.

Yes. That’s exactly what last Saturday was all about.

You are braver than me
I’d feel the cooties crawling on me if I stepped thru the front door.

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Laughing at everyone. To them everyone is a chump to be fleeced. I will never knowingly patronize a Trump property.

I’d visit the lobby restroom to spot check adherence to the building and occupancy codes. A simple paper-towel test will determine if the potties have adequate flushing power. Public health and safety is too important to leave to the bureaucrats.

One can hope they’ll build out, be overleveraged and come crashing down when there’s no demand.

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Is that a command?

I believe it’s spelled “YUGE!”

I’d think that would already be close to happening PRE-expansion. It really makes no sense.

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No conflict of interest here.