Discussion: Report: Trump Hotels CEO Pledges Huge U.S. Expansion

I don’t believe the hotels would fall under any infrastructure bill, no matter how you wrote up the law. But what is infrastructure are the places those hotels will be, and more locally, the roads, bridges, tunnels, and other transit authority dollars that would make those hotels of maximum value to him and his family. The authority to funnel money that way would be at the behest of whatever agency head he’s put in place to oversee projects…



“There are 26 major metropolitan areas in the U.S., and we’re in five,”
Danziger told attendees following a panel discussion at the Americas
Lodging Investment Summit in Los Angeles, according to Bloomberg News. “I don’t see any reason that we couldn’t be in all of them eventually.”

and of course trump himself knows nothing about this.
(I’m so funny. Sometimes I make funny jokes)
{{lays head on desk, feels despair}}


make it insanely expensive and difficult for him to do this in blue states, should make him smile!


Democrats don’t have either the house or the senate, without both impeachment would be futile.

We need to win in 2018.

Howzabout when the next president takes office s/he seizes all of these properties as payment for Trump’s various debts and converts them into public housing?

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I am making a prediction that when the GOPers feel they have extracted all they can from trump they will then drop him like a hot rock. I am sure trump’s actions and statements are being carefully cataloged by both democrats and republicans (for different reasons) and they will be used for a future impeachment committee. The GOP surely would be happier with Pence in the White House than they are with the current buffoon they can’t control.
There is a way to get Pence into authority w/o an impeachment. Go read the 25th amendment.


Agree. Not saying formally start the process… just start building their “draft” document. And that was just my knee-jerk reaction to Trump family profiteering off America.

Also just read that Mar-a-Lago had doubled membership fee to $200K after election.


All I’m saying is that when people die for this man’s hubris, all Democratic politicians in Congress better be ready and willing to tar and feather the entire GOP for their lack of foresight and unwillingness to act…since its obvious from DAY ONE that he’s unfit to be President, and is being shielded from obvious unethical behavior by his party. They need to make this a primary issue of all who went along with that flaming bag of shit, no matter for how long they did so, which should be the case for the ouster of those same unprincipled people from Congress. Its frustrating to know that they’re going along with him until he’s no use to them…I know that’s the operating thesis, but its no fucking excuse for what might happen in the meantime.


Right, I agree. And good point on how actual infrastructure would aid his hotels.

I was more commenting on the overall trump plan to profit off the gov’t, and that it’s likely that in the fevered, chruing, cholera-infested morass of swamp that passes for his mind, I bet he’d love to - by fiat, if needed - declare his hotels infrastructure, and get them paid for by the taxpayer. I mean, think of the jobs that would supply! Will that happen? Probably not. But he’d fucking love it if it did!

Oh - and the fact that he’s about as divested from his businesses as I am from my left leg.


Report: Trump Hotels CEO Pledges Huge U.S. Expansion

I don’t mean to be picky, but isn’t that supposed to say YUGE

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Except that he’d probably continue to bring in Polish workers without visas to do the work, as he’s done in the past. Its his excuse for keeping his overhead low.


I don’t think I would wait that long. Democrats should start the 2018 campaign immediately.

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Yep. Agree 100%.

I don’t know the other two markets mentioned well, but I DO NOT see these plans going well in S.F and Seattle for sure. There will be riots.


And so, the commercial exploitation of the presidency commences.

Hey senators, congressmen throughout the land…

…are you paying attention?

I have 5 acquaintances who all get the majority of their healthcare from the VA, and I do not know it for a fact but my best guess is that 4 of the 5 voted for Trump. Watching people vote in this country is like watching someone close to you destroy themselves with alcohol. And when you mention they might be doing themselves harm, they scream, “I don’t have a problem - you have the problem! I’m fine - fuck you!”


And, as we’ve all learned with this elelction, the laws mean nothing unless someone is willing to enforce them. Every day that he violates the Emoluments Clause, he turns to the country saying

“Yeah, that’s right. And whattya gonna do about it?”


If nothing else, they’d be giving us a specific location for ongoing protests.

BREAKING: Trump hit with 2 Million Dollar Lawsuit

Trump hit with $2 million suit by contractor on D.C. hotel

stay away from the light fixtures.

An electrical contractor is suing President Donald Trump’s Washington hotel for $2 million over what the contractor contends are unpaid bills for “nonstop” work performed to open the luxury lodging at the Old Post Office Building last year.

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