Discussion for article #227001
Geezzuz H. Kreist. Is there nothing these tricking repukes won’t complain about. In all the years Landrieu has been running for Senate, this issue has never once come up or been considered an issue.
They’re desperate for anything that they even think might help them in that race. Landrieu consistently embarrasses Louisiana Republicans.
Yes they are and she’s going to win her seat again. I hear the same b/s every time she’s up for re-election - about how she’s in a run for her life, yada yada, yada, and she wins handily every time - and not without thanks to the black community who always show up to vote for her. Always!!!
It’s not like she frequented prostitutes or anything.
Doesn’t Linsey Gram live with his mother
Teh stupid. It burns us.
We should only elect people who either have enough money to maintain a home in both D.C. and their home district or who live like homeless people and sack out on the couch of their office. Because freedom!
The GOP is just reminding people of the illustrious family name! Dummies.
“A U.S. senator shouldn’t be living with their parents”
Why not?
Looks like some of those fine upstanding repug men are running scared of the little lady.
“…A U.S. senator shouldn’t be living with their parents…”
Thus spoke conservatives.
Forever sure of what everybody needs to do. When does getting-government-out-of-everybody’s-lives kick in for conservatives? Are their family values just a joke to get votes?
Hey, let’s face it…they have got to get hyped up somehow!
If this is all they got right now, she is in good shape
So she lives with her parents. So what? Is that going to become criminal now? My kids are totally fucked.
Yeah. What are those GOP candidates? Anti-family or something?
Slight difference between listing your parents’ house where you grew up as your residence versus listing the house of a couple of campaign contributors.
I mean, I’m all for broadening the definition of marriage. But allowing polygamy between politicians and their campaign contributors seems a bit extreme.
In some fairness, this was also an issue that helped to defeat Richard Lugar in Indiana a couple of years ago – that plus the fact that he was much too rationale for the Teatotalitarians. Although in that case, like Pat Roberts’, Lugar was not using a plausible bona fide residence.
Well, I guess that means that the Democratic party is the one that embodies family values. LIving with your parents in your home while you’re not mostly out-of-state on business, now that’s a modest solution, now isn’t it?
Youse Repub dogs keep sniffing, y’hear!
George H. W. Bush (not to be confused with his idiot son, George W.) used a Houston hotel room as his Texas address. I don’t recall the GOP having conniption fits over that.
No, he lives in John McCain’s guest house – not that there’s anything wrong with that…