Discussion: Report: GOP Leadership Left Members In The Dark About Confederate Flag Gambit

Gotta love this repub Congress.

Olā€™ Mr. Tan Man / Orangish Man must be hittinā€™ the merlot a little hard againā€¦

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Yet voters keep returning them to office. I havenā€™t yet figured out why a large segment of the voting public would vote against their own self interest. Somehow this block of voters are convinced they need to elect folks who hate the idea of clean air and water.

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Nah - heā€™d be Gerald Ford. You know: played too many games without a helmet!!

A 'Bob Knight" apology: ā€œif anyone was offended by my words/conduct, I regret that.!ā€

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Either that orā€¦they wanted the amendment inserted so they could get rid of the possibility of funding the Interior Department and the EPA. I find that explanation a bit dubious unless the GOP leadership is completely clueless on how the Confederate flag is viewed by a significant number of Americans. Perhaps they are relying on polling that says Americans mostly think that flag is a reflection of Southern heritageā€¦thatā€™s flipped with blacks saying itā€™s racist and whites saying itā€™s heritage and further drilling down shows white educated Americans say itā€™s racist.

Hard to say if opinions are being changed with the attention being paid by the media. Perhaps they are just poll-driven.

Really hard to understand from a justice and equality and fairness viewpoint.

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Easy. They were careless only because they were working so hard on the GOPā€™s health care plan.

Any day nowā€¦any dayā€¦

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``A report by CQ Roll Call details which Republican lawmakers knew what when Wednesday night, as Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) introduced the disastrous amendment that would have reversed previously approved measures banning the display of the Confederate flag on certain federal lands.ā€™ā€™

Ouch! You might want to try that one again. `ā€¦ knew that when Wednesday ā€¦ā€™

I live in Nancyā€™s district and of course this wouldnā€™t have happened Teabaggers came to the House specifically NOT to work, NOT to get anything done, while the Democratic members wanted to because it would support the presidentā€™s agenda. We had some glory days between his election and 2010 when the incompetents took over.


So many of them are returned because over time regardless of incompetence they gain name recognition, and itā€™s hard if not impossible for a challenger to compete with that and raise enough money. They donā€™t pay attention as most of us here do, and they donā€™t vote in mid-terms.

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Mmmm ā€¦(strokes chin)
Praps that is the angle Trump the Chumpā„¢ is banking on? After all heā€™s going thru all sorts of conniptions to get him some name recognitionā€¦

Speaker Boener you are aware of the Ohio Union soldiers sacrifices defending the country against the treasonous south?


Donā€™t remember where I read that The Donald is contemplating a third-party run or maybe he was just putting that out because theyā€™re hanging on every word he puts outā€¦ But the Rs know how disastrous that would be for them.


Either way Trumps a disaster for the ā€œtraditionalā€ GOP because of his thoughtless comments on all sorts of issuesā€¦ Heā€™s a loose cannon clown type that really makes them look bad by associationā€¦driving them to higher Merlot intake I assume. If he went 3rd party that would be the death of any repub candidate I think. Makes me think back to Ross Perot and his run.
Trump used to be a democratā€¦which tickles the brain into playing with the idea heā€™s trolling the republicans. If thatā€™s the case heā€™s a damned good actor and missed his real calling.
I still dislike the guy

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It certainly shows, ONE MORE TIME, what a liar Boehner is! He is as low as a politician can get and that is very very very very ā€¦ low.

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Legalizing slavery in America?

As The GOP Turnsā€¦

I didnā€™t know that. Thanks!

Too bad weā€™re not allowed to celebrate them.

Pitiful, just pitiful. These idiots arenā€™t ready to lead a horse to water, let alone a nation

Black Comedy - and it seems we have a never ending supply of it