Discussion for article #238325
If political football was football Boehner would be vintage Huston Oilers.
Report: GOP Leadership Left Members In The Dark About Confederate Flag Gambit
Then, when the lights were turned on, they scurried about like the cockroaches they are.
They are such clowns, which would be funny to watch if they weren’t such destructive clowns.
One was getting his dry cleaning and couldn’t stay, the other committee member, out dining with the Majority Leader-- who didn’t tell him about what was coming up, had a low cell phone battery …
Are we getting our money’s worth with these guys?
Ha ha – support for removing Confederate flags from government property has reached such high levels that the Republican “leadership” had to try this the extra-sneaky way – without even informing their own rank-and-file – and now that their little gambit has failed, spectacularly, they are exposed and squirming.
In fairness, with these bozos its quite possible that McCarthy didn’t know about it either. This sounds like something Scalise cooked up and forced upon Boehner, and being it was last minute, he didn’t want to deal with McCarthy telling Boehner it would never fly, so he left him out of the loop.
Its how TPers like Scalise operate. They despise the “establishment” types as much as Dems, and they definitely view McCarthy as establishment. But, Boehner supported him for Majority Whip, most likely as a deal to prevent Scalise from leading a campaign for his seat as Speaker. So he got what he bargained for.
Its classic Boehner mismanagement and incompetence yet again.
That sounds likely.
I have to admit I couldn’t game this one out at first. I was vacillating between, “They stuck the amendment in to kill the spending bill,” to “They stuck the amendment in to save the spending bill,”
“Report: GOP Leadership Left Members In The Dark About Confederate Flag Gambit”
Did the “leadership” include Boehner? Or was he told to sit down and STFU while others Took care of bidness?
When there is a rebellion in progress secrecy is a necessary tool. What fun to watch the situation comedy play out.
Amateur hour
Scalise is an unrepentant southern racist. There is no doubt that all this talk of removing confederate flags and statues is pissing him off to no end. So he presented Boehner with this under the guise that it would get him support to the get the bill passed (probably a questionable proposition even with doing this, but that wasn’t Scalise’s purpose).
He probably even thought there was a fair chance that it would sneak in under the radar. But even if it didn’t, which it didn’t, the only causality is yet more embarrassment for Boehner, which gives him a chuckle anyway.
But, but, but…white-trash racists are our base! Not only that, they are now in the house of congress!
Looks like the gang that couldn’t shoot straight refuses to stop shooting. Will the grownups ever come back to give Republicans some actual leadership or is this who we’re stuck with forever?
I mean, honestly. How have we reached the point at which Richard Nixon would be a welcome relief on the national scene? Sure, he had a few lapses in judgment when it came to the exact extent of his powers, but he could at least get shit done and had a real understanding of how politics work. These bozos are all getting their marching orders from talk radio and not a single one of them has the brains enough to know how bad they’re screwing things up. If they didn’t have billionaires subsidizing their entire movement, they’d be screwed.
Apparently they’re accidentally shooting each other as well, or at least using each other as human shields:
Around the time Republican leaders announced they would no longer be holding a final passage vote on the Interior-Environment appropriations bill, Calvert sent out a statement.
“The amendment offered last night … was brought to me by Leadership at the request of some southern Members of the Republican Caucus,” he wrote. “To be clear, I wholeheartedly support the Park Service’s prohibitions regarding the Confederate flag and the amendment did nothing to change these prohibitions.”
“Any one of them could have asked for a roll call vote then, and nobody did,” [Mike] Simpson [R-Idaho] said of the Republican opponents to whom Calvert referred. “None of them had the balls … they had Calvert do it, he got sucked into it.”
Rep. Raul M. Grijalva, D-Ariz., the ranking member of the Natural Resources Committee, said this about Calvert: “The chairman of that subcommittee has to fall on his sword. … He’s a decent guy — he knew this wasn’t right. And like a soldier he goes out and falls on his sword for the rest of them.”
And where was Scalise when all this was happening? Getting his Butterfinger Blizzard at the local Dairy Queen, or picking out a new tie?
Also, when did Ohio become part of the Old Confederacy and agree to fight their treasonous battles for them, huh, Orangeman?
What a embarrassment for his state, not just for the US House of Representatives as Speaker.
The third most populous state in the Union at the time, Ohio raised nearly 320,000 soldiers for the Union army, third behind only New York and Pennsylvania in total manpower contributed to the military. Several leading generals hailed from Ohio, including Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and Philip H. Sheridan.
As if we needed it, isn’t this further proof of the inability of the current Republican leadership to actually lead? I have seen this is business where a business leader is so focused on protecting his position that he has no f corporate strategy that is actually directed to making the business venture successful. That is what Boehner and the Republican leadership does. Their job is to run the government, a government they continuously run against. So where have their priorities been? On the eve of the inaugural in 2009, they decided it would be to make Obama a one term president. They have spent an incredible amount of energy to vote out the ACA (which, incidentally, they know could not get past a presidential veto). They have spent innumerable hours investigating Benghazi and other bogus controversy. And how much time have they spent doing things to create second class citizens of women and minorities.
Go ahead, name a single piece of legislation that would move the country forward they have really taken the lead on.
Biggest joke of the year (decade?) : “Republican Leadership”
Reading the Roll Call article it is pretty clear Calvert was told he had to be the fall guy. When shit hit the fan the speaker did what he always does–he disavowed all knowledge even though his fingerprints were all over the move.