Discussion: Report: GOP Leadership Left Members In The Dark About Confederate Flag Gambit

Cincinnati has long been an adopted child of the old South.

I think it’s safe to say the GOP/Teatrolls and its membership…elected or not…are ALL in the dark and have been for years and years and years…


May the derp be with you.


I kind of go, ‘Oh, shit.’"

So eloquent, deez guys.


If they really are desperate to display the confederate flag on federal lands perhaps they should. They as Congress should get some artist to create a “civil war flag”. Something featuring the flag of the north, the flag of the south and then in a far larger display like an overlay of sorts - the flag we have today

We are a nation that had a dispute that went all the way to armed Americans attacking armed Americans. It seems almost an inevitable result of the creation of any country. When that war ended the people that were in charge realized we were not two nations, we were one. We were and we are the United States of America.


Are we getting our money’s worth with these guys?

If you mean, are we are paying a high price for this kind of incompetence since the baggers have taken over the asylum…the answer is “yes”.

If you mean, are baggers getting more than what they bargained for…the answer is still “yes”.

However, if you mean, are we getting anything that even remotely resembles good government from these assholes…the answer is a resounding “NAY”.


The Republicans from the South really, really don’t fucking get it.


I see that, but they also had a long tradition in the abolitionist movement due to being considered a free, anti-slavery state, and a major stop on the Underground Railroad…which if Boner was even a tad bit courageous (Hah!) and willing to embrace, could have put him in that camp of “reaching out to minorities” that the Pukes are always bumbling about out of the corner of their mouths when discussing their 2012 postmortem losses.

Yeah, what am I thinking??? That’ll never happen.


Is Scales really that competent? You may be giving him too much credit.

Wow. Scary shirt.

Apparently some of us still haven’t realized that we are one…just saying.

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Say what you want about Nancy Pelosi, but this kinda crap never would have happened while she was speaker. She always had a good grip on her caucus, and knows how to count votes…none of these things apply to current republican leadership.


“Looking back, I regret not conferring with my colleagues on the other
side of the aisle, especially my Ranking Member Betty McCollum, prior to
offering the Leadership’s amendment and fully explaining its intent
given the strong feelings Members of the House feel regarding this
important and sensitive issue,” he said.

translation - I regret being caught.


Remember, Boehner didn’t want this flag to become a political football, so him and his team immediately fumble it.


The sheer cluelessness, coupled with a near certainty to go to the Polls, is scary enough.


I must respectfully disagree. We ought not honor traitors as if they had a noble cause such as justice or freedom. In fact it was the opposite. Sorry but a big thumbs down to anything that honors treason and slavery.


So how much of this is being treated like mushrooms and how much is ‘plausible’ deniability of the dog ate my homework variety?

If this stunt was pulled behind the backs of the Republican membership they should be calling for resignations if they had either balls or decency.


“I usually stay around for most of the debate on the Interior bill, but I had to go get my dry cleaning so I’d have something to wear today,” Rep. Mike Simpson, (R-ID), the chairman of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee told Roll Call, recalling the moment when Calvert took the floor with the amendment. “I got home and turned on the TV and Ken was using his motions to strike the last word … and I said, ‘What’s going on?’ And all of a sudden somebody hands him this amendment and he does it and I kind of go, ‘Oh, shit.’"

I just wanted to read that again.


I need someone to explain this to me…

The reason they put in language to protect the confederate flag was so southern congresspeople would vote for it?

So Boehner has decided that in order to marshall votes from Tea Party members he has to give racism an approving nod?

And they wonder why they ended up with Trump.


This is nothing new for anyone who knows the real Republicans. If the leadership of the GOP are willing to do this to their own members how likely is it that they have done this many times to the people of these United States.

they are not to be trusted with any power.


Who needs the EPA anyway? I mean who needs clean air…err …wait …what?

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