Discussion: Report: France Arrests Comedian For Facebook Post On Paris Gunman

Algeria was not a colony, it was an integral part of France according to the French government.

That’s what I thought, too. Don’t know anything about this guy, but arresting him for that is absurd.

Yes, you are correct and I was mistaken.

Not sure. What do some people see when they see a black man driving a nice car? A wealthy black man or a thug who stole a wealthy white man’s car?


He would obviously be a drug dealing rapper athlete.

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There is also the small question of “Too soon?”

Is this performer directly inciting his fans to violence – or does he simply reflect back their previously hateful views? Does he actually have the same level of influence over his listeners as a cleric teaching that Allah commands believers to wage jihad? If his critique calls explicitly for violent action, then yes, the law should come into play, but if not, using the excuse of the hate speech law to silence him will be seen as persecution and will gain him more respect from his fans, not less.

“there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

Terrorists, once again, obscure the light. Humanity is blinded, hopefully not for as long as the last time.

So we’re allowed to have free speech…unless it’s absurd and hateful. Right. And I suppose publishing lots of silly cartoons of a dead religious figure doing offensive things in order to piss off religious people isn’t absurd or hateful? Or haven’t you gotten that far in the thinking process yet?

This entire issue is ridiculous. Yes, free speech is great. But it’s obvious that what we REALLY mean is that we’re allowed to say anything we want…as long as the people we offend aren’t powerful. So people can denounce Islam in Christian countries and denounce Christianity in Muslim countries. But if you denounce Christianity in Christian countries you’ll be punished or denounce Muslims in Muslim countries you’ll be punished. And as we see here, if you express sympathy for Muslim extremists in Christian countries, you’re making threats and being illegal. This freedom thing sure is a lot more complicated than you guys make it out to be.

And I say, treat everyone with respect, period. Because life is too short to go around pissing everyone off. I mean, you won’t even find a newspaper in our country willing to make cartoons of Jesus doing what those cartoons did, since it would offend so many people, and I don’t have a problem with that. The only outcome would be to make things worse, just as we’re seeing with these cartoons in France. But then again, if your goal is to see Muslims punished or killed, perhaps what’s happening in France is to your liking. And I find that absurd and hateful. Perhaps we should arrest anyone who supports it.


Apparently those protections don’t extend to Palestinian cartoonists.


Boy Charged For Desecration Of Jesus Statue

The Justice Ministry said 54 people — including four minors — have been detained for defending or verbally threatening terrorism since the Charlie Hebdo attack. Several have already been convicted under special measures for immediate sentencing.

Dieudonne, a comic who popularized an arm gesture that resembles a Nazi salute and who has been convicted repeatedly of racism and anti-Semitism, is no stranger to controversy. His provocative performances were banned last year but he has a core following among many of France’s disaffected young people.

It is complicated.


Well that sounds like something else worrying. Alleged crime, arrest, conviction, and sentencing all in under a week?

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Also, from what I understand, their prisons are basically jihad academies.

It sure is!!! complicated!!

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No. I think when it comes down to threats that is different. But I also think that when someone applauds a terror attack, they need to be checked out (internet postings, etc.). The First Amendment only guarantees you won’t be arrested, so I agree they should not have busted him (yes, I know the First Amendment is the US, but France should operate similarly. My last line was just a “who cares, he’s an a-hole” quip, but legally I don’t see how he can be arrested. I do not know French Law.

It is all confusing, and I don’t see where an arrest is warranted. I’m sure they monitor his internet activity, and check out the activity of people who follow him. I have no problem with that. Ron Paul is not a dangerous guy, but some of the people who follow him are. So watching Ron Paul’s website for activity seems like good idea.

If this arrest was something they would not have done had the killings not taken place the the killers are winning post mortem.

So then, are you as outraged that the French government is repressing free speech as you are that some crazy extremists are trying to repress free speech?

I personally find it odd that some people are more accepting when a government official does something wrong in their official capacity than when a criminal does it. In my mind, it should be the other way around. Governments should be held to HIGHER standards, not lesser standards. That’s why in our country, citizens can boycott businesses they find offensive, while the government can’t. And yet when two cops act like criminals, we’re supposed to pat them on the back rather than arrest them since they’re held to lower standards than the rest of us. I hope that’s fixed in my lifetime, sooner rather than later.


Repercussions are something much too complex for most people to understand. What they understand is that if you punch someone hard enough, you win.

And so we see all these people throwing wild punches and getting increasingly angry that they’re getting punched so hard. And anyone who tries to explain even basic ideas beyond that are just helping the enemy, since they’re not punching wildly. Even the concept of counterpunching eludes them, and real strategy is entirely for the weak. After all, if you’re planning a strategy, you’re not punching. And that’s why Obama has been so successful, merely because he has the ability to strategize and counterpunch; which are basic concepts that make him look like a superhero since nobody else can figure it out. Why? Because they’re too busy wildly punching whatever is in front of them.

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