Discussion: Report: Feds Probing If FL Massage Mogul Funneled Foreign Cash To Trump Camp

Let me guess. BingBing means “little bunny” in Mandarin?

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Bing Bing is actually a receptionist, according to the Herald. I guess that’s a better career path than I realized.

I do hope she’s not related to Microsoft’s Bing. That would be a really dark turn in the plot, and next we’d find out that Clippy was colluding.


receptionist with benefits?


I see what you did there…

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OK, you fingered me.


You did not just go there…

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Federal investigators are probing allegations that a South Florida massage parlor magnate funneled foreign cash into Trump’s reelection campaign

The answer is yes. The only questions are “how much” and “from whom”.

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That article is astounding. Someone (was it you?) posted it on another thread earlier. Seems like it should blow up into a national scandal,especially which on-the-record quotes like

“The group collected money, organizer Li said, but it didn’t go to the registered committee.

When asked to explain, he wouldn’t.

“The money went to the right account legally, but I just don’t have to tell you where that is,” Li told The Post.

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This could lead to friction down at the Bada BingBing!

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