Discussion: Report: Feds Probing If FL Massage Mogul Funneled Foreign Cash To Trump Camp

BingBing Peranio

That is one ridiculous name. Are we sure we’re not on “The Truman Show”?


Do handjobs count as “thing of value” insofar as campaign contributions?

Asking for a friend…


Doing further research, BingBing is very important to Trump.


And let’s not forget the big Asian inaugural ball that raised undisclosed cash in violation of federal law.

''But there’s no trace of the money raised that night, as required by law, The Palm Beach Post has found.

That includes donations by their biggest listed sponsors. Among them: an embattled Saipan-based casino later raided by the FBI, a Guam-based shipyard and a handful of Pacific Island hotel operators, all of which benefited from a foreign labor bill signed into law by Trump a year later.’’


The analogy is his followers are the flies to his walking, talk pile of shit.

"Ending the estate tax would “protect millions of small businesses and the American farmer.”
— Donald Trump on Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 in a speech in Indianapolis


Somebody else saying “Shoot 'em” works for him.

“That’s only in the Panhandle, you can get away with that statement. Only in the Panhandle!”


The FBI agents investigating this had best be careful before Trump starts tweeting about them a corrupt Democrat traitors who hate Trump.

At least that always seems to be how these things turn out.

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Doesn’t Cindy Yang have the exclusive contract for providing Preshitident Skanky-Manslut, his Lover Hope Hicks, First Lady Ivanka Trump and the White House Pornstar Melaria with pee hookers and other personal services at Mar-a-Lago and New Jersey.

I see what you did there…

…and now I require eyewash.


Bing Bing, boom boom, as Trump likes to say.

And she claimed to be a manager for Yang’s family’s company, FuFu International!

This looks extra shady:

The price of the photo was $50,000 — but Yang did not make a donation of that size. However, The New York Times reported that in the weeks around the event nine of Yang’s family members and business associates — including Peranio — made $5,400 donations each to Trump’s re-election committee.

As a joint fund-raising committee, money given to Trump Victory would benefit both the RNC and Donald Trump, said Erin Chlopak, director of campaign finance strategy for the Campaign Legal Center. Because money raised benefits both, only the maximum $5,400 could go to Trump though the RNC can take in higher contributions. If money raised were to benefit only the candidate, the $5,400 cap would apply.

Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor of election law at Stetson University, said it’s possible Yang became eligible for the photo by showing she had bundled donations from a variety of people totaling at least $50,000.


Yeah, way back at the beginning, the Miami Herald (I think) caught up with one of the business associates, who was one of the employees at one of the handjob places.

Didn’t know salaries for handjobs are so good that people have an extra $5K sitting around just to burn on a political donation.


Your post rubs me the wrong way.


“Big water. Ocean water.”

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I gotta hand it to ya. That was funny. :joy:


Who said I was joking?


Really? I thought it was a stroke of genius.


Stay classy GOP
porn star trysts and the ensuing payments/cover up
the infamous pu##y grabbing tape
Massage parlors
foreign money backing trump (when he bragged he’d only use his own vast wealth)
These four ordinarily would sink any politician’s career. trump seems to be coated in shit proof teflon.
To trump and followers:… meh.


Hwere ya go

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I don’t think your information is accurate. On The Deuce, the 70’s pimps all have 1-3, tops. Most of them only have 1.

Up and comer?

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