Gosh, these fake news stories seem to follow Donald around like flies to a pile of shit.
This will not have a happy ending.
Yes, I had to do that. Couldn’t be helped.
The Democratic FBI is hating poor Trump, again
Meanwhile - Federal investigation into how wet water is proceeds at a snail’s pace.
Hasn’t a precedent been set for violations of campaign finance laws, the Donald Trump, Jr defense? All Yang has to do is say she isn’t versed in the law (i.e.-too stupid to know what she was doing) and she’s off the hook. Right?
So Robert Kraft was just the middleman, massaging everything through?
Feds Probing If FL Massage Mogul Funneled Foreign Cash To Trump Camp
Pull hard on this string–It is very long, and leads to oceans of corruption.
Wasn’t this an episode of “Arrested Development”?
Phft! If!
Robert Mueller absolved Yang of any crimes.
Did too!! Uh huh!!! Yes he did!!!
I want to be a magnate.
Didn’t know you had to be stupid to earn the designation.
Yang is nothng but a third tier groupie. She’s always the one that gets stuck blowing the drummer. That’s the tell.
So she was massaging Trump & Co.
Why am I not surprised?
“Yang combined her Mar-a-Lago access-peddling business with her own attempts to gain influence within the Republican Party, snapping selfies with GOP bigwigs while bundling donations to the party…”
“…through her politcal action committee Rubntug PAC.”
“Mogul … Magnate”?
@TPM, while I really enjoy your efforts on this story, can we please avoid the hyperbole? This seems like a small time operator of some local massage salons, not anybody that should be called a mogul or magnate of anything.
Feds Probing If FL Massage Mogul
Oh, Mr. Kovensky! We saw what you did there!
I know! It’s like calling a man who only has sixteen hookers in his employ a “pimp”, since everyone knows it takes at least 17 working girls to earn that title!
The media can be so, so unfair to upstanding businesspeople like Ms. Yang!