Oh, he might promise, but he’ll never actually pay up.
Trump’s event later today is a talk at the Young Black Leadership Conference, sponsored by Turning Point USA - a conservative group.
He probably has a fine script to follow, but I fear he’ll probably speak extemporaneously.
Pretty typical for a Floridian. Lots of places are happy to send people there. Aventura has sizable Russian and Romanian populations. And whiter than the rest of greater Miami, but very middle income.
What are the odds as to the number of Trump rallies this guy has attended and which states were they located in?
He’s pretty clearly a Trump groupie.
Now see that’s it. For sure a liberal.
If anyone voted for Trump based on economic anxiety, they have to be a moron. But then you have to be a moron to even think of voting for a Republican. So no difference. BTW, underlying theme for all these morons is: Racist and Bigots.
There ya go, jumping to conclusions. We can’t really be sure it isn’t a left-wing mob? LOL
Seriously though, I wonder if we will ever know if he attended any tRump rallies? That would be interesting.
Correction. Should be “shot at” 20030394 times.
90% of the shots would have missed. Hitting Innocent bystanders, walls, buildings and cars, all collateral damage in a valiant effort to stop a gangster!
[quote=“leftcoaster, post:125, topic:79597, full:true”]
Prior terroristic threats jaysus.
RickLeventhalFoxNews (RickLeventhal)
Law enf source: Suspect in #pipebombs a white male, former NY’er, busted in Aventura FL, prior arrests for terroristic threats @FoxNews
8:21 AM - 26 Oct 2018
[/quote]So … it’s Obama’s fault for not having personally executed this guy when he had the chance. If the prior threats occured while Obama was in office, this will be the Trumpublican meme.
Wikipedia says Demographics of Aventure are 57% non-hispanic white; large jewish poplulation, many from northeast US; 12.4% Russian.
Well, the ultimate irony would be if it were the “Blacks for Trump” guy.
If he got tickets online we will.
Exactly, that’s why I’m so relieved that it was a feral Trumper. Sure, the far right will continue to believe whatever insane conspiracy theory someone at the Daily Stormer posts on a message board. But the rest of America will see this van and all the information about him that will get out over the coming days and conclude that it was a crazy Trumper all along.
And it will be bad for Trump. Very bad.
There’s no way he comments on this without boning the dog in the process.
At the Boingboing article cited above, someone replied to that tweet with “No, this van looks like it’s been washed recently, and is not rusty and dented.”
Somebody on Twitter was calling it a “vanifesto.” I can’t stop laughing.
Um, I think Trumpski has gropies.