Discussion: Report: Blistered By Scrutiny, Mercers Curtail Spending And Bail On Trump

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They’ll be back. Count on it.


Interesting dynamic. I think you’ll see a lot of Republican leaners bow out of 2020 on the excuse that Hillary was the reason they voted for Trump in 2016. Trump has become too toxic socially, politically and economically. But that doesn’t excuse the full racism on display that they all cheered or succumbed to.


So, similarly we’d be encouraged when someone cuts down their contributions to the KKK by 90% year over year.

Seems legit.


Yep, like all the rich Mussolini enablers, is not that they actually liked him, they just wanted to keep the communists out, really…


Mercer made his billions by applying mathematics to the stock market. That’s called a “hedge fund” and it is not investing. Unless you think playing the roulette wheel is also investing.

Looking forward to the day when these ilk lose all of their money in their gambling habits.


The family was primarily motivated by a desire to keep Hillary Clinton out of the presidency,

That’s why we’re where we are today.That’s it. And if Bernie wins the nomination, they’ll be right back in it.


In 2020, you likely won’t see Robert and Diana Mercer writing a $15.5 million check to various Trump platforms like they did last election cycle. The family also donated $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee and pumped funding into the then-Steve Bannon run conservative news website, Breitbart.

Why not mention their close links to the SCL Group / Cambridge Analytica group of companies, which appeared to be involved in serious propaganda/manipulation of the voters, in th US 2106 election, but also in Brexit and other elections ?

IIRC, Mercer Pere’s daughters are involved in some of the successors to SCL/CA, they are still around and they still needs to be investigated.


“Thanks for the tax cut, now fuck off. Unless of course it’s Elizabeth Warren who is going to raise our taxes by even more than you cut them. Then, well, we’re with you all the way Donnie.”


So is this the beginning?

If the money goes, then the image starts to crack, and once big donors like the Mercers go away, will this give others the ‘permission’ to do the same.

Trump won’t have meaningful individual donations and we know he can’t/won’t fund himself.

It may come down to Sheldon Adelson trying to buy an election.

It’s always about the money.


In my imagination there is a stupendous well of Nazi/fascist money worldwide to support Trump. A paranoid nightmare? Perhaps

One thing for sure. The new immanent flood of central bank money while US stocks are inches from an all time high is an overt demonstration of support for Trumpism.


He wants to spend more time with his urine collection.


Robert and Diana Mercer writing a $15.5 million check to various Trump platforms

That doesn’t matter. As we were told, repeatedly, Toadglans doesn’t need outside money because his campaign is “self-funded.”

Speaking of campaigns, the Mango Menace will be kicking his off in Orlando tonight. That makes me wonder, What were all those other previous campaign rallies over the last 18 months for? How will this one differ? Soy confundido.


Meh. They got their money back on the tax cut alone.

Now they’re shopping for which Dem will be their best investment. “Who is most corporate friendly?”


Hate-filled plutocrats. They must be Christian.


Yeah, I’m not buying it. Maybe its just me but they’re probably just shopping around for some deeper and darker place to channel that money tRump’s way. Something even more off the grid than they’ve used in the past. Since being found out to be such scum in the 2016 election, they have done little to correct the record, other than to go dark and avoid even more public scrutiny and bad press than they’ve already attracted. In the meantime, Adelson will make up for the hole in tRump’s fundraising that the Mercer’s once provided should he need the extra passing-around cash he uses to keep people flush and onboard with his hateful agenda.


Trump can make up for the losses by chipping in some of the tens of millions he siphoned off his inaugural committee coffers.

That is a story getting far too little scrutiny by the media, and I suspect suffering from a similar lack of due diligence on the part of law enforcement investigators. There is zero doubt in my mind that was a multi-million dollar grift, all of it making its way into Trump’s pockets.


KAC is a Mercer flunkie, IIRC…


“The family was primarily motivated by a desire to keep Hillary Clinton out of the presidency, Vanity Fair reported.”

They could have given that money to the American Green Party.


Of the front runners definitely Biden.