They discovered that a Crazy Person as president who tweets his foreign and economic policies while imposing irrational tariffs is not good for the bottom line .
When you’re down to your last 900 million ya have to watch the budget
Always …
Behold the GOP excuse for backing Trump. It is all Hilary’s fault. The Mercers are trying out the new Rove tested experiment in mass foolery. You know they are scared when they go to this extent. Trump is a dead man walking once the financiers turn.
“They got their money back on the tax cut alone.”
they windfalled a whole hell of a lot more than their investment.
i think the murdochs could use some blistering scrutiny as well.
Back channels and dark money. So, no worries…
The trump 2020 campaign incorporated and started collecting donations on Inauguration day 2017. They’ve been campaigning ever since.
Shorter version of story:
Its either Trump, Biden or a pinko like Warren. Abandon ship!
Ooooh no! A rich idiot is bailing on another rich, scratch that, fake rich idiot!!!
Yeah, I think the Jerusalem embassy gambit guaranteed a nearly bottomless supply of Adelson millions for the next trump run.
For a second I thought one of them was dead (talk about projection!).
Anyway, I think there’s a niece in the family who’s a real Lefty and she’s one of those strong woman types.
I know. I believe it was right around 12:01 p.m. IIRC.
That’s why she feels immune to prosecution or firing, no matter what her offenses.
‘‘According to Vanity Fair’s sources, the Mercer’s never fully embraced Trump, despite spending millions on his election. The family was primarily motivated by a desire to keep Hillary Clinton out of the presidency, Vanity Fair reported.’’
I guess that’s the Mercers’ version of ‘‘didn’t inhale’’. Low energy and totally unconvincing crocodile tears if you ask me. Don’t worry: if you think they were mobilized against Hillary, wait until Warren is the nominee.
One of the consequential backers of President Trump’s 2016 campaign has bailed on team Trump, Vanity Fair reported.
So, who will pay T rumpp’s bail?
My favorite story was about Rebekah Mercer, who thought that Trump’s 2016 win meant SHE was now in charge of the US government. It was a learning experience for her.
Disappointed rats.
Boarded the sinking ship to,
Grab doubloons and swim.
'According to Vanity Fair’s sources, the Mercer’s never fully embraced Trump, despite spending millions on his election"
I’ll believe that. To know him, is to hate him…
Just means they’re going to spend more cash protecting the Senate.
I imagine it will be much like the Obama years, when Republicans suddenly started pretending like G.W. hadn’t been a member of their party.