Discussion: Rep. Who Zinke Called A Drunk: 'This Is No Kind Of Victory,' But Hopes To Turn Page

Then you will appreciate my efforts to get my grandson to be interested in something other than his “smart” phone. We went up Mt Lemmon a year or so ago to attend a star gazing event. Here is my 9 yr old grandson gazing at Andromeda thru a 60 inch scope. We had to spoon his jaw off the floor afterward…


…I suspect they will uncover all kinds of shenanigans, legal or not, that will shock people.

Would that it were so.
Unfortunately, the DTs daily excesses have done such a good job of desensitizing me, and presumably much of the rest of the American public, to improprieties that I fear most folks wouldn’t blanch if he shot a Swedish tourist in a crosswalk on Fifth Avenue.
ETA: I can almost hear one of his enablers intoning, “These people have been subsidized for their entire lives…”

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It’s always good to get them started when they are young. Kitt Peak has a similar program, you can come up and spend a few hours stargazing, and there are lots of other ways to get involved in science stuff that kids really should do.


What really got him interested was seeing what could be done with some plastic tubing. a liter soda bottle. and some cardboard tubing closed at one end. That cardboard tube flew like a rocket when the liter bottle got stomped on. Sorry I don;t have an easily accessible image of that. It happened on the U of A mall during a book fair last spring. Kids lined up to take their turn stomping on those bottles. What a hoot!
Like me he likes to blow stuff up (safely of course). I made a potato cannon for him. We also have done model rockets.


I am hoping that was to get Don Jr’s indictments ready so that he (at least) gets his by Christmas.

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I lived in his district for many years and I agree.

My banjo teacher and I have a pool going re: the clearing of that dc court floor…
he chose Mitch McConnell. My money is on Donnie Jr.

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God, I hope he brings down the hammer fast and hard

Zinke must have realized it’s a really bad idea to pick a fight with the guy who will chair the committee with jurisdiction over your department. It’s good to see him gone, but it would have been fun to put him in the hot seat first!

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Another deck chair cast into the sea.

My worry is that Mick Mulvaney is already stretched pretty thin doing the three jobs Trump has already assigned him. Will he be able to do Zinke’s job, too, after all of Trump’s imaginary friend turn the post down?

Um…not to rain on your parade or anything. But the saying, “En tierra de ciegos, el tuerto es rey,” is from Spain, and may actually be from the Middle Ages. I learned it in elementary school Spanish, along with about 100 other Spanish sayings (refranes). I think it is very cool that a one eyed politician had the sense of humor to use it.

Also, I guess we can add Arizona to the dueling places claiming to have invented or originated the Guayabera. (Along with the duels over who invented the Pina Colada, or the Pisco Sour). But, I am pretty sure it was not Arizona. I do not know who Lew Murphy was, but in Puerto Rico in the early 1970s, there were laws passed that allowed government employees and lawyers appearing in Court to wear Guayaberas instead of suit and tie. Our Governor started appearing in Guayaberas pretty regularly, on his visits and press conferences.

And of course, for awhile at least, it substituted the black (cotton) turtleneck and denim shirt as the hip left wing college professors’ shirt of choice. A lot of my HS teachers used them. The long sleeved ones are very elegant and I have one for more formal Summer events and maybe church.

Let’s see if @cervantes makes an appearance with some research on the origin of the Guayabera (Mexico, Philippines, Cuba). In Puerto Rico in the late 60’s we had a Guayabera manufacturer whose brand was called La Cubanita. It was one of a list of local industries that would receive promotional advertising during the previews at Movie Theaters, urging people to consume local Cheese brand Indulac, local underwear manufacturer GRANA, and others who I do not remember right at this moment. Anyway, I am glad to know that this garment is used in the SW, which was, after all, Spanish before it was part of the US.

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I am glad Raul Grijalva responded graciously to Ryan Zinke’s assholic ad hominem attack, and to his resignation. But man, just for once…I wished a Democrat (Grijalva) would have let Zinke have it after his resignation was announced for him by Donald Trump. It wouldnt have to be petty or over the top…but I just wish Grijalva had let Zinke have a swift kick in the pants as he exits stage right.

The other thing, the WaPo article on Zinke’s resignation and timing to allow his Christmas Party yesterday, it also says that Zinke harbors political ambitions, which means US Senate and President. It can’t mean anything else.


FYI: Lew Murphy was mayor of Tucson, AZ for several years in the 1970’s and 1980’s as I recall. I have lived in Tucson for 50 years (minus three in Chiapas,Mex). My post was in response to another TPMer also from here and we got to musing of years gone by. And our former governor Jack Williams was known to use the phrase I posted. I suspect as a riff on the fact he had one eye. There was very little beyond that which could be thought of as redeeming about the guy.




“My Native Costume,”
Martín Espada,
circa 1994


Whom. Zinke called him a drunk, not he.

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I am hoping Don Jr-----------

Oh, I don’t think the good Congressman is quite through with him just yet, as he ascends to his committee chair position. And as the Klingons say, bortaS bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay.’

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He’d have to get through a death match with Scott Pruitt, and with any luck, they’d finish each other off.
They certainly fill the same ecological niche.

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I have 2 guayabera shirts in my closet. For formal occasions. And spell check must need some cultural adaptation skill since t tells me I have misspelled the word.


I’ve made one too. Found that apples work better than potatoes. They never clog the barrel.

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